Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sentinel Emulator 2010

Here I present a series of materials that can be of great help to work the author in question and to reflect a bit on the comments in class:

  • Finally I hang a very good presentation.
View presentations from more Marga Fernández.

Regarding the film we can watch next Thursday, March 3, I raised the possibility of seeing MATRIX. The Matrix movie has become a classic of science fiction and a film that must be present in the scheduling of philosophy in high school, and why is it that try to justify below. One of the key themes of the history of thought West has been and is the contrast between appearance and reality, the reality is it identical to what appears to our senses? Is there anything else after the fact before our eyes? Do we live chained to a reality that is not authentic? All these questions will not do to us in our daily lives, and perhaps can not be otherwise, because as I tell my students, because life is pretty complex and we deal with enough problems to complicate further our difficult life with questions a bit "stupid" about reality. However, philosophy is what you can "waste time" considering such questions, without the social pressure of having to find a single definitive answer.

To work well the film would be necessary to read the following dossier, without doubt, you will get more out of it.

"I ... I've seen things you people would not believe ... Attack ships on fire of Orion, I've seen C-beams glitter in the dark near Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time like tears in rain. "
is Time to die.

Roy Batty (Blade Runner, 1982)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Does The Iron Gym Break Door Frames

Descartes and Rationalism The Crisis of the Old Regime in Spain

Is Kate Ground Married


Regarding reading Jules Verne book must prepare the following questions:
  • 1.1.cye
  • 1.3. BYD
  • 1.4.d 1.5.a
  • 1.6.cye
  • 1.7.e
  • 3.2 to 2.2.a, b and c
  • 3.3. c, e and f
  • 3.4.a, c, d and e
  • 3.5.d

Gibson Flying Blueprints


First of all, I recommend the reviséis entry January 14, 2011 . Specifically, the videos are hung there.

briefly and accurately answer the following questions :

  1. explains the work of the Cortes de Cádiz: Constitution 1812 (ideological principles) and reforms to dismantle the structures of the former or regime.
  2. The plot of El Escorial and Aranjuez Mutiny. Explain.
  3. Define: war of the Convention, Treaty of Basel, Treaty of Fontainebleau, War of the Oranges, Trafalgar, San Ildefonso pact, Francophiles, Battle of Bailen and Bayonne status.
  4. Consequences of the War of Independence.
  5. explains the causes of the emancipation of our colonies.
  6. What problem raised by the return of Fernando VII?
  7. Explain what was the Manifesto of the Persians. What were the arguments made by the privileged to request the return to absolutism? What do you think was due, at first hesitant attitude Fernando VII?
  8. What reasons do you think can explain the return to the Ancien Regime? What are the main problems they had to face Fernando VII and his government?
  9. What form adopted opposition to the new situation? What were the most dissatisfied?
  10. premature Was the introduction of liberalism in Spain?
  11. Are there tax without the French intervention?
  12. in Spain Was there a civil society capable of erecting a liberal order?
  13. What other better options you could have taken place in the early nineteenth century?
  14. What compelled the king to become a constitutional monarch? Lists the major measures promoted by the Triennium. What was the king's attitude towards the new regime?
  15. Why
  16. Ferdinand VII appointed the moderate doceañista or as convicts ? What prompted these moderate measures, and eventually they end up distancing liberals definitely had staged the revolution (now called exalted ) to win the king and the aristocracy?
  17. What explains the moderate liberalism that also had just earned the enmity of the Church?
  18. What are the causes of the weakness of the liberal state?
  19. Why liberals fear to democracy?
  20. Look closely at the execution of Torrijos and his companions : What appears member of the Church? How do you portray liberals are going to die? Who take the lead role in the representation? What symbols to identify them? Do you know who Mariana Pineda?
  21. What reasons do you think led to the anti-liberal opposition peasant-clerical-absolutist proclamations to support realistic that broke the summer of 1822?
  22. Why no one defended in 1823 liberal regime? "Thanks to what Ferdinand managed to steal the reins of the situation? Lists the major measures promoted by Fernando during the call ominous decade.
  23. What were the pronouncements ?
  24. a situation as painful as that was the country's modernization policies required to address, but why these policies failed?
  25. Explain what was the Pragmatic Sanction .
  26. explains the origin of the Carlist Wars .
To properly prepare this questionnaire must make use of the textbook and the following TEMA. However, if you have questions you can comentármelo culaquier in class.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Ringtone, Booth In Bones

Fernando Fernan-Gomez

When I was a toddler, so long ago this seems to be in another life, in the class had a nun who warned us against the danger that the cinema, invention of the devil, meant for our innocent children. "You " said Mother Mary Joseph, whom God has forgiven, must not go to the movies, because if you go, I condemn without reference to eternal fire "and immediately told us horror stories of children who burned between flames for all eternity, symbolized by a board cover of "zeros" that represented only one thousandth fraction of eternal time.

funny thing is that some day, this unfortunate, because I can not describe it otherwise, we were surprised by calling (ie, ordering) to the largest class (which had children between 3 and 8 or 9 years) that will tell the movie " Balarrasa " of recent projection in theaters in the city and almost everyone had seen, contrary to the recommendations of the religious cannot.

I got this story from the chest of memories from my childhood because it dates have bought the ridiculous price of 1 € (less than a newspaper or a coffee) in a bookstore who pay remains of these editorial, about "Conversations Fernando Fernan Gomez ", signed by Henry, published by Espasa Brasó in 2002. It's funny what happens to famous people who die: the first all are excited praise and memories of his life, his contribution to science, art or human progress and soon it seems as if a curtain of silence had hovered over them and almost no one except his relatives and friends remember him and his works, owns or trying them, are confined to the corner of the titles impossible or "cursed", using an expression that would have liked the protagonist of this book

back to " Balarrasa "is not that this film would Cifesa (1951) to have so much success. And hence possibly the interest of religious orders in it, because the rate was consistent with rigid morality that would impose at the time. " But those things were: a daughter who went out at night, another daughter who smoked, a poker-playing father and a brother changing foreign currency " 1 . Still in the eighties of last century, after a pass by TV-I remember this movie in the series on the history of English cinema, Fernando Méndez-Leite remember reading praises church in a provincial newspaper in a famous scene, the "currency" for its deep symbolic and moral. I have

FF-G, person and character for whom I have always felt great sympathy, despite his character of "enfant terrible", "a defense against unwelcome, as he himself acknowledges," some of his books in my library and several films directed or performed by him in my memory. Among the first: " The orange seller" 2 , " The actor and the other " 3 , " The trip to nowhere " 4 and, of course, the two volumes of his "Memoirs" in the 1990 edition 5 .

As for his movies, they have been staking out the different stages of my life, from child to young adult and older and are tied to more or less significant moments of my life path. After the so called " Balarrasa " which would see six or seven years, my next memory is for " That happy couple", which first appeared in English cinema standard rates, the street, " a world in which they appeared correspondence courses, the festivals, the lottery utilities or tables summarizing costs month. " The next film I saw, and the teenage cousin, was the great " life ahead." I admit that I pledge of Analia Gade sculpture, an obsession that has lasted all my life, and, like many other English mine did the symbolic phrase "if , but I'd rather have it [life] around." I saw and liked, as an adult, the movie cursed " The strange journey" and followed the adventures of the Galvan family " The trip to nowhere some of whose most celebrated sequences, the "break" (" long ago ...") I hope you señoritooo and speech of comedians, I have memorized. I was intrigued by the issue of corruption, the film "The Sea and time, with a great scene by Mary Asquith and enjoyed the brilliant interpretation of FF-G" Grandpa " (rather than with the film.) Finally I was stuck in my chair after the vision of " Language butterfly," one of the movies that impacted me in my life. In the middle left me many of the more than two hundred forming the films of FF-G. of which I remember enough, a scene, a type, a sentence.

As book "Conversations with FF-R", despite its length (300 pages) I have read almost in one sitting. Through dialogue with fellow director and friend Enrique Brasó, emerging not only as an overview of the cinematographic work of the respondent but a condensed history of English cinema and society to which this film was going. Reflections on the role of film in comparison with other arts, the relationship between cinema and literature or comments about directors, actors, producers and writers of the time as Jardiel, Neville and Fernández Flórez, everything is seen and judged by FF-G with its sharpness and penetration characteristics (" The entertainment business is due to precise rules or immutable nobody knows").

The FF-G film, it might be, as he himself recognizes, a production "countercurrent " as many of the works of authors that I like. So when a television channel "Fernán Gómez cast of" try not to miss it, even late at night. Above all, if " Balarrasa
." ©

Manuel Martínez
February 2011

If you have interested in this article and want to ask, comment or contribute something about it, you can leave a comment or write to my email Direction manuelblas222 @ gmail . com with confidence be promptly addressed.

Spread among your friends this blog.

Thanks. Manuelblas.


1. Enrique Brasó. "Conversations Fernando Fernan Gomez." Espasa-Calpe, 2002, p. 62.

2. F. Fernan-Gomez " The orange seller" . Tellers today 1. Ediciones Tebas 1961.

3. Fernando Fernan Gomez " The actor and the other" Laia arts. Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1987.

4. Fernando Fernan-Gomez " The journey to nowhere." World Library 2001.

5. Fernando Fernan Gomez "yellow time. Memorias . Volume I 1921-1943. Volume II 1943-1987. Editorial Debate. Literature Library 1990. I think there is a new and enlarged edition