Monday, March 28, 2011

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  1. We nature and culture.
  2. The origin of life and evolution of species
  3. Human evolution anthropogenesis.
  • The natural evolution: the process of humanization: bipedalism, change in foot structure, modification of the column, release the hands, increased cranial capacity, etc. But what really explains the appearance of intelligence? Possibly comes from a genetic mutation que dio entre unos individuos que fueron capaces de aprovechar favorablemente dicha mutación.
  • La evolución cultural : el proceso de humanización (caza, descubrimiento del fuego, largo aprendizaje, aparición del comportamiento social y aparición del lenguaje).

      4. La dimensión socio-cultural
  • La cultura : funciones, elementos culturales, cultura y sociedad. ¿Es posible desarrollarse como individuo sin vivir en sociedad? Sobre el mito de los niños salvajes y el proceso de Socialization is of interest the following link .
  • individual and society. Social intervention on the following may be suggestive reading.
Finally, about philosophical problems inherent in human nature is suggestive the following selection of quotes made by Professor Maria Jesus Gorraiz. Just interesting approach to the figure of Arnold Gehlen .

Friday, March 25, 2011

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The time between seams

usually am not fond of reading best-sellers and, therefore, to comment, but in this case I'll make an exception for the successful novel by Maria Duenas who by chance came into my hands and, like many other readers, (32 editions, sold 750,000 copies enter years) I read avidly .

" The time between seams" is a well-written novel, with a rate that does not decay and that "traps" immediately the reader with the force of a good serial or a good movie. But it is only a matter of pace. The author knows have a long history over time and fit it in various scenarios that seem to know well, especially the area of \u200b\u200bthe English Protectorate in Morocco, where family settlement. It is also a well crafted and documented history at a precise period, as evidenced by the accompanying full bibliography. This is a particularly valuable achievement and supports the dedication of the author that, as stipulated by the lapel, a PhD in English Studies and a professor at the University of Murcia .

Indeed, one of the findings of the novel, in my view, is the mixture in the fiction of imaginary characters and real people as the "Almighty" Serrano Suner, Colonel Beigbeder and Rosalind Powell Spy Fox, who really existed and even wrote a memoir .

I was interested especially the figure of General Staff Colonel Juan Beigbeder Atienza, and I've searched references in his memoirs "makeup" of Serrano: " was a strange and unique, with a superior culture to the current, capable of a thousand follies Germanophile exalted in the early months of World War II, an Anglophile and then seduced by Sir Samuel Hoare and the staff person. Franco most devoted of whom directly writing letters calling him "My Leader" and would later be one of the few soldiers who actively conspired against him - "proven fact" - as stated in the sentences, honest man who died almost in poverty to the extent that two of his friends, who gave him a small job in a company had to pay for his funeral. Next, the Bis II "following orders, entered his room grabbing the trunk where he kept documents, letters and memoirs ." 1 She writes, however, that the roles of Beigbeder " were forgotten in the pension Tomasa "and that some months after his death were collected by " an old acquaintance of Tetuan in exchange for taking over the bill of a few thousand pesetas to the left outstanding."

In another of his book of memories " between Hendaye and Gibraltar " 2 , Serrano is credited with the initiative Beigbeder appointment as Minister of Foreign Affairs "In general Jordanian Foreign succeeded Colonel Beigbeder Minister was leaving for the office of High Commissioner of Spain in Morocco and territorial chief of the Falange in the area of \u200b\u200bour Protectorate; was also the first member of the National Council of the Falange. It was my initiative to propose. Throughout the civil war had distinguished himself by his phalanx to the point that the Falange in Africa, thanks to their protection was one of the strongest in Spain. I had met him during a trip to Ceuta and Tetuan mine on the first anniversary of the Uprising, for my views and opinion of many Falange was the belief that there had been management and successful business. I remember that Franco did not accept the principle proposal enthusiastically. "

remember seeing once in my life "cuñadísimo" to outside a hospital. So neat was an old man, smiling, smartly dressed with difficulty walking leaning on a cane. What a contrast with that powerful politician, the man who, by his own admission, " was nine times against Hitler " 3 and the only contributor was fully empowered to Franco!. Ignacio Merino, author of a book on the character, met in Marbella, on the verge of 100 years (he died almost 102) and portrays him as a charming man, still a good conversationalist, keeping intact alertness 4. María Dueñas well defines the "loneliness of Serrano" in the exercise of power when he writes "The military hated and the street was extremely unfriendly to the point that the people poured into the guilt of all the ills of Spain, since the prices of movies and shows to the drought that hit the field in those years "venturing that a cause of his fall, reported by Franco coolly, was the birth of the fourth daughter of the" beautiful and insolent Llanzol Marquise "view of Serrano.

Just as political figures are well reflected does not seem to be so with the creatures of fiction. The main character, the dressmaker Sira Quiroga finally I find inconsistent and hard to believe its evolution from naive girl, the one deceiving anyone, the proud and sophisticated spy capable of the most daring stunts. Of course there are worst spy story set in World War which also had success, like the one entitled " Shining" ("Shining trouhg ) 1992, with Michael Douglas and Melanie Griffith doing" spy by mandate. " Fiction allows these excesses and if the novel resembled the real world there would be such.

description of environments, especially in the Madrid of the Republic, is superficial. With a few lines the author clears the agonizing situation of the Popular Front of Madrid: " All around the political environment was breathing fire and strikes, labor disputes and street violence formed the usual scenario. In February, the coalition won the elections of leftist Popular Front, the Falange, in reaction, became more aggressive. Guns and fists replaced the word in political debates, tensions came to be extremely . "

The lace dates, a fact that the author makes date and to be deducted from the historical events that serve background to history, not just applicable. So one night Sira, forgiveness Aris, received in his home-fashion salon the unexpected visit of Colonel Beigbeder tells who visibly shaken " I have stopped. Tomorrow will public. " The next day afternoon, but come very much story, our heroine gets in a movie theater, the Palace of Music where they project the movie "Rebecca by Alfred Hitchcock. Yet as the cessation of Beigbeder as Minister of Foreign Affairs is produced on 16 October 1940 and the movie "Rebecca " not released in Spain until December 10, 1942, when he was not even Serrano minister, by the way which premiered at the Callao cinema and not in the Palace of Music.

course these are all forgivable pejiguerías in literary fiction, well told otherwise, addictive, with tension, sometimes overwhelming, it is not intended as an accurate reflection of reality and English international, but rather this is the scene along which historical and fictional characters, more or less credible, which are novel to the plot density.

I heard that the successful novel by Maria Duenas will be brought to the small screen, in the near future. If so, and it seems that the production is well advanced counting on a good director and good actors, I foresee an even greater success than that obtained in bookstores. They are fashionable series of contemporary historical setting and are sure to find each other easily accommodate this "stitch in turbulent times," the first novel by a promising
great writer.

© Manuel Martínez Bargueño
March, 2011

If you have interested in this entry and want to ask, comment or contribute something about it, you can leave a comment or write to my email with confidence be promptly addressed.

Spread among your friends this blog.



1. Ramón Serrano Suner . " Between Silence and propaganda. History as it was. Memories." Mirror of Spain 35. Editorial Planeta. Barcelona 1977, pg. 266.

2. Ramón Serrano Suner. " Between Spain and Gibraltar." Ediciones Nauta SA 1973 pág.210.

3. El País, August 27, 1992.

4. El Mundo, September 9, 2001.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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Imperio Argentina, Malena Clara

Magdalena Nile del Rio, Imperio Argentina, (1910 - 2003) was an actress who enjoyed great popularity in Spain during the years of the Republic and the immediate postwar period. As noted Santos Juliá, a few months before the civil war in April 1936, the cinemas showing the film one of his most famous films " Morena Clara" were " overflowing with an enthusiastic audience " 1 oblivious to everything that they came up 2. From the fifties and until his death, at an advanced age, his star was fading slowly, but no longer present in any film, television interviews and at festivals, like the show "Azabache "of the Expo '92.

Although I am of two generations following the myth, I had occasion to watch his old movies and I have, on cassette, a compilation of his songs (which can now comfortably listen and illustrated online.) In the former, that I like is "Nobleza baturra " directed by former husband, Florian Rey and premiered in Madrid in 1935. In this movie I heard that a few years ago projected in Zaragoza during the Fiestas del Pilar. The rest of his films I like least: "Carmen la de Triana " is a English woman, who has at least the curiosity of being shot in Berlin, Froenlich studies, the aforementioned "Morena Clara " I find lack of grace, with a tiresome Miguel Ligero the role of Gypsy "present." Imperio Argentina, however, created his own style and acting and singing, said his fans, had a face and a very modern figure for the time .

is a case in this digression because it has fallen into my hands a book of memoirs of the artist writing "in collaboration " with "young writer " Pedro Manuel Villora, entitled " Imperio Argentina. Clara Malena, "published in 2001 3 . Books written by a "black", at the request of a biography, and no one expected to be able to write anything serious in itself, have the disadvantage, at more generally, its literary weakness, that the reader can not tell for sure which part belongs to the real memories of the protagonist and another part is fabricated or falsified by the writer in the shade please his boss and bravely meet with the commission.

This happens with this memoir I have read in a couple of spare time and I have discovered some new things about the artist, real or fabricated. And in the intense and passionate life of Imperio Argentina, there are episodes that have become known dimensions of legend, as their alleged lesbian relationship with Marlene Dietrich "I felt uncomfortable him because in his eyes had a desire to not seem to mind that was not reciprocated ", or the supposed homosexuality of her first husband, Florian Rey: I can say I . Just as I'm ever told me I was gay, nor behaved me as homosexual. " Especially

were aired, during the filming of several movies 4 German studies during the English Civil War, the contacts of the actress and singer with the highest leaders of Nazi Germany to physically praising " Goebbels had a clear head and had a great sense of cunning. I also see that it was lame but hid it very well . " " Adolf Hitler was a very attractive ... The Hitler I saw was an athletic, muscular, full-bodied ... eyes ... very beautiful, deep, very rare, were gray, but with a touch of blue and green border ... Moreover, its treatment was very cordial, very polite, and that helped to make it more attractive still "... Hitler had magnetism and was charming ". Mother!

These flirtations with Nazi and fascist (Mussolini's Italy, he filmed" Tosca "in 1940) caused him trouble in his native Argentina, in Mexico, where he was accused of "Have an ideology close to fascism , and New York, where she was accused of being nothing less than Hitler's mistress, links ideological and time again denied by the actress, who somewhat foolishly advocated in his memoirs: 've never shared this hobby of mixing art with politics . "

Other hints of the book as being in love with José Antonio Primo de Rivera " we liked each other and he courted in the style of that time, walking to my door, glancing furtively some mischief," the long series of such famous fans and disparate, named in the book, like Garcia Lorca, Fernando de los Rios, Fidel Castro (who says he drew a pencil portrait), Hitler (" openly confessed that he was smitten with my voice and my smile" ), Miguel Hernández, Alejandro Lerroux, Ernesto Halffter, Mario Gabarrón, a certain Couri Farah, Mario Moreno "Cantinflas", Juan Ramón Jiménez and others, I think that must be taken with caution, as a product of exaggeration or fantasy, at least with respect to certain of those

If Long is the list of admirers, as much or more deals in the book of their husbands and lovers: Carlos Gardel (zambra sang together "camper Caminito"), Florian Rey, Flori child's father, Rafael Rivelles ( was so yours for according to things I can say I never saw him naked "), Joaquín Goyanes of Osés, the father of her daughter, Alejandra, Alejandro Montani (Peruvian matador), Angel Rosson, Ramón Baille, Earl of cones, which literally puts a rag (" was a crook"), Rafael de Penagos, his last love, died this just a month ago. Less fortunate was

mother. His two sons, Florian and Alexandra, died in tragic circumstances, the 1959 and 1993, respectively: " there is nothing worse for a mother to the death of a child but I have killed my two that I had .

The last months of his life had to be cruel, if they came to learn disputes of his granddaughters by the legacy of the artist, aired on television morbid where those appeared rushing mutual accusations and insults.

Imperio Argentina, from what I read in this book is the impression that their reading bag , must be a woman of character, subject to irrepressible "ready" (after an argument with a hotel Rivelles " I did was go to my room drinking a bottle of whiskey and try to throw over the balcony "), with a tendency to exhibitionism and romancing (note that during the civil war in Madrid, the militia took possession of a Mercedes owned" to give their victims walk "and destroyed his home was so huge I had a garden with more than two thousand roses, swimming pool, tennis court, an icon for the service " wiping out many valuable objects that were there among them "some paintings of Rubens and his school ).

What is not in doubt is that Imperio Argentina, the bride of Spain, was a myth of epoch-making and that a whole generation lived, enjoyed and suffered, listening to their songs .

© Manuel Martínez Bargueño
March, 2011

If you have interested in this entry and want to ask, comment or contribute something about it can leave a comment or write to my email with confidence be promptly addressed.

Spread among your friends this blog.

Thanks. Manuelblas


1. " Republic and Civil War in Spain (1931-1939)." Santos Juliá (coordinator). Espasa, 2006, pg. 144.

2. After the outbreak of civil war, "Morena Clara " at the Rialto cinema continued to establish a brand almost legendary residence of a movie in one room. But when he heard of the likes of Florian by the side of Franco, the film was withdrawn. After the war, Clara Brown was billed as "the film banned red" (Imperio Argentina. Malena Clara, pag.95).

3. " Imperio Argentina. Malena Clara." With the collaboration of Pedro Manuel Villora. Temas de Hoy. Memoirs, 2001.

4. "Carmen la de Triana ", the German version of the previous "Andalusische Nacht" and "The Song of Aixa ", all in 1938.

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Here I present a topic that can be found at the following link I and II. and two in which you can find a selection of texts and a table displayed the main political the period in question.

The consolidation of liberalism (1833-1868)

1. The regency, Carlist War liberalism and

1.1. The Liberals in power

the death of King Ferdinand VII (1833), his widow, Maria Cristina, took over the regency until Elizabeth II, born in 1830, reached most age. But supporters of Carlos María Isidro, from areas most uncompromising absolutist, did not accept the will of Fernando VII and took up arms against the regent, who was forced to seek Liberals support the first three years of regency served to moderate liberals, some of them returning from exile, were taking root in politics (de la Rosa). At first, the policy instrument was a letter preconstitucional, Royal Charter, which established a bicameral Cortes (Estate of Heroes, real appointment, and Estate of attorneys, elected indirectly with a very low voter: 0.15%), lack of legislative initiative and can only discuss the issues raised royal decrees in the Crown or request a bill.

civil war and the disastrous economic situation caused, and in 1835, uprisings, urban militias which required an expansion of political freedom and suffrage, and demanded the handover of power to progressive politicians like Joseph M. Calatrava and Mendizabal. In 1836, a revolt against the ruler, organized by NCOs from the army (the Mutiny Palacio de la Granja), forced to Maria Cristina  ofrecer de nuevo el poder a los  progresistas y a aceptar la puesta en vigor de la  Constitución de 1812. Aunque,  inmediatamente, los progresistas redactaron una nueva carta magna (Constitución de 1837) con algunos cambios respecto de la de 1812 que la hacían bastante más moderada. 

En la Constitución de 1837 los progresistas renuncian a alguno de  sus principios básicos en favor del programa de los moderados y de la propia corona. Progresistas son: la declaración de la Soberanía nacional,  que aparece en el preámbulo; el  reconocimiento of individual rights, among which freedom of expression (art. 2), the non-denominational State (art.11), the popular election of local councils (art. 70 ) and the National Military (art.77). concessions to moderates are the extension of powers of the monarch legislative initiative of convening authority to suspend and dissolve the Parliament, appoint and remove ministers, the enactment and promulgation of laws (Articles 36, 26, 47, 46), the bicameral structure of the Courts with a Senate Joint regional election and appointment, and a Congress of Deputies are elected directly and census tracts (arts. 13, 15, 23).

With this constitutional framework could enact some laws revolutionary as the abolition of the obligation to pay tithes to the Church, the elimination of internal customs, the confiscation (auction) of the assets of the Church, untying entails, and the suppression of unions to support the growth of the industry. Completed Carlist war, a moderate government led by Perez de Castro tried again to limit the reforms and the participation of urban middle classes of municipalities by enacting a law abolishing the right of citizens to choose ; to their mayors, which were becoming gubernatorial nomination. There were new popular uprisings and Maria Cristina was forced to resign the regency. Courts generally chosen as regent Espartero, recent winner of the supporters of Carlos María Isidro, the Carlist. Espartero General, which had the support of the Liberals progressive, ruled until 1843 in a dictatorship, suppressing the moderates and never without submitting to Parliament. Espartero won the rejection of all: its free trade policy radically threatened the fledgling industry Catalan as textile manufacturers in Catalonia, although most liberals, rejected the Government's policy. Catalan movement joined the opposition of the Basques, who had seen how, for their support of the Carlist Paccione Act of 1841 rearranged the Navarrese charters. In addition, politicians moderate liberals, who had been displaced from power in 1840, began to organize its attack on the Government. Some liberal-progressive sectors (the Democrats), who had initially supported Espartero, confronted him because they did not accept the forms of authoritarian and repressive ruler, although hiciesen in the name of liberalism. In 1843 he started a military revolt led by Narváez that brought down the government. Espartero fled and went into exile in London. He did not return to Spain until 1849.

1.2. Carlist War (1833-1840)

The First Carlist War was actually a civil war. The Carlist supporters uncompromising and absolutist hereditary rights of the brother of Fernando VII, Carlos María Isidro, faced the Regent Maria Cristina. On the other side stood a group of liberal and more moderate absolutist, the Elizabethans, who agreed to Elizabeth II as heir to his father. While the Elizabethan defended liberalism as amended (the paying back process, a new unifying political regime abolition recognition), the Carlist agglutinated to supporters of the old regime or those who felt hurt by the reform process: the clergy, the small farming, crafts and territories of Navarre regime. Carlism caught only in rural areas of the Basque-Navarrese region, the interior and Maestrazgo Catalonia, the major urban centers were out of control. Carlism other hand, showed great ideological poverty: his motto God, Country, King and Judge, summarized in the binomial Throne and Altar, defined all political official theory. These elements are joined provincial defense.

Carlists became strong in the north of the peninsula. The Carlist General Ramón Cabrera, accompanied by the pretender to the crown, came in a dispatch from Maestrazgo area to the gates of Madrid (Real Issue, 1837). Colonel Thomas Zumalacárregui succeeded in organizing the rebel army and consolidated power in the Basque Country Carlist. The death of this celebrated military leader, which occurred in June 1835 during the siege of Bilbao, ended the upward trend in the region of Basque-Navarrese Carlist, where he garnered high-profile victories against the Elizabethan forces. Since 1835, the Elizabethan military victory Carlos María Isidro forced to flee to France. In 1839, General Baldomero Fernandez Espartero Elizabethan and the Carlist general Rafael Maroto held talks that culminated in the Convention of Vergara, that was the end of the First Carlist War. The agreement guaranteed the preservation of some provincial rights and jobs and degrees recognized the Carlist army. The pretender Don Carlos did not accept the agreement and went into exile in France.

2. The decade
General Ramón María Narváez ended by a military coup, the regency of Espartero. Proclaimed an adult at age 13, Elizabeth II took the throne of Spain (1843) and form a government ordered the moderate party, led by the very Narváez (1844). With the support of the sectors more conservative bourgeoisie, the moderate party ruled for ten years with hard labor. Abrogated the 1837 Constitution and drafted a new one in 1845. Most of the articles of the Constitution of 1845 is the verbatim transcript of the 1837 Constitution, however, the changes are of great importance: the preamble does not make explicit reference to national sovereignty, but it raises the character ; shared sovereignty (Cortes with the King), it reaffirmed the faith of the State (Art. 11), the Senate, appointed real life, becomes more important that Congress (Arts.14 and 17) increase the powers of the king with the appointment of senators and greater freedom in matrimonial matters not referred to the Judiciary, only the Administration of Justice, limiting their independence (Art. 67) National Military is deleted. Moreover, a series of complementary legislation abolished or restricted basic elements of the progressive: the electoral roll is restricted to less than 100,000 persons are trained on the government to directly appoint mayors municipalities more than 2,000 inhabitants, high deposits required to edit a newspaper
and juries are deleted for press offenses. The English administration building was built and perfected over the heyday moderate.

The current ministerial organization dates from this period (Council of Ministers, Presidency). The regional administration was based on the new provincial division (49) conducted in 1833 (Javier de Burgos). In 1834 the provinces were divided into parties court. Was established and a uniform administration, with the same authorities that have the same power and exert the same functions: the Civil Governor, representative government and representative of the king, the provincial delegates of each ministry , and the county council (created by Mendizabal), with an advisory role. The municipal administration was headed by the mayor, appointed by government, and the City, consisting of the elected councilors. The judicial organization, based on a hierarchy of judges, be accommodated to the administrative division: Justices of the Peace (municipalities), trial judges (judicial districts), territorial and Supreme Court hearings. Other important reforms are reflected in new laws: Law Attorney, Civil Code and Penal Code
, Corporations Act. The moderate politicians sought a rapprochement with the Church, estranged from the liberal regime from the confiscation of 1836. In this regard, in 1851 he signed a collaboration agreement with the Vatican on the Church regained many its privileges and was permitted to intervene in education. In 1844 created the Civil Guard, a military police force for maintaining order in rural areas and, in practice, secured the property rights of landowners in the countryside.

governments favored the Decade Moderate financial businesses (public works, supply of military equipment, property development, etc..) Participating in the political and power-related characters and sometimes, members real family. Corruption and authoritarianism of the moderate governments made in 1854, the working class give their support to a liberal uprising posed progressiveness renewing this political environment.

3 . The progressive biennium

Two Progressive
The call began with a military coup, known as "the Vicalvaro" because it took place in Madrid Vicálvaro headquarters. Its instigator was another general, Leopoldo O'Donnell, leader Liberal Union party. In this uprising, the revolutionary character, also took large sections of liberal and popular cities such as Zaragoza, Barcelona and Madrid. The move was not intended to dethrone the Queen Elizabeth II, declared enemy of constitutionalism, but forcing it to accept democratic reforms interrupted in 1844. After "the Vicalvaro" Elizabeth II asked the general progressive Espartero to form a government, which again taken radical measures that characterized the period of the regency of Espartero. Efforts to develop a new charter was not finally put into practice, what is known as "nonnata." The Jesuits were expelled from Spain, accused of conspiring with anti-liberal, and banned the processions and the external manifestations of Catholic worship.

another important measure of government was Espartero Adding a second confiscation (1855), which involved the seizure of communal property of the municipalities. The consequences of this measure were, in part, beneficial because were placed in culture that were previously unproductive land. But this confiscation also caused a worsening of living conditions of laborers and farmers with little land, for whom this land (of which got fruit, firewood, grass, etc..) Served as complement to its economy. The year 1855 is also the Railways Act, from which we planned the railway network that was so important in the development of English capitalism, and regulation of the English banking system. ;

4. The Liberal Union and the crisis

The Progressive Biennium ended by the reaction of the moderate liberals and the pressures of the Crown and church sectors. Narvaez was put back as head of government, and began a long period characterized by the predominance of three sectors of society in politics: the landowners, the conservative military and the Church. During these years, succeeded by the governments of General Narvaez and O'Donnell, the latter with a more moderate positions in 1854. Since then the Liberals were marginalized exalted by the Government. During this period include the cessation of the seizure of 1855, the Church recognizes many of its traditional prerogatives and privileges, the harsh repression of peasant revolts conducted by the Civil Guard, a body that was strengthened human and material resources, and finally, the establishment of electoral practices that resulted in corruption of the political system, as the institutionalization of buying votes, rigging - add or remove Feedback from the polls, and the creation of a system of local chiefs in exchange for fees or other benefits, controlled the elections, often fraudulent.

The period of greatest prosperity during this period coincided with the conservative government of General O'Donnell (1858-1863), known as "long-Government" as it was the longest of the nineteenth century: five years. This government has benefited from a time of good harvests and trade expansion through the colonial bases in Cuba and the Philippines. Furthermore, in those years there was a civil war in America, the Civil War (1861-1865), who favored the export of English products.
This period also began a foreign policy in imitation of the great ; operations colonial European powers at the time, but did not have the same size. In this sense, it sent troops to Cochin, which is now part of Vietnam, to defend the English missionaries, some aimed at military expeditions North Africa, who left the streets of Ceuta and Melilla English, ended in open war against the Sultan, which won the English army in the famous battle of Los Castillejos and Wad-Ras; Santo Domingo is a military occupation, but was lost soon after, was sent an army to Mexico led by General Prim, who achieved fame as a soldier when he took the port city of San Juan de Ulloa and, as a diplomat, to decide to withdraw English in Mexico (1862). In 1864 Narváez returned to rule, provides Ministry Interior Gonzalez Bravo. Faced with the conservative political moderates grew in Spain aspirations to greater freedom and civil rights. The moderate policy enforcement responded to the demands of freedom. Following the dismissal of university professors and Republican Castelar Sanz del Rio, and the student protests that followed, the military acted with great violence (Night of Saint Daniel). There were further encouraged by the progressive pronouncements Prim general that led to harsh repression, with the shooting of the sergeants San Gil barracks. The death of O'Donnell and Narvaez increased isolation of the throne.

The political crisis was accompanied by an economic crisis with several events: cessation of railroad construction, bank failures, shortages of raw cotton, crop failures and rising prices wheat, etc. In this situation, the court of Elizabeth II and the Queen herself was discredited every day and social unrest led to an alliance of liberals and Democrats, embodied in the Covenant Ostende (1866) that included an agreement to dethrone Elizabeth II.

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In June 2003, the scientific journal Nature gave an endorsement that seemed definitive argument that the current drawn from the Northeast Human Africa. And this source would go back a maximum of 200,000 years. There, therefore, have a kind of hominid could consider as our most recent common ancestor. The study's authors attempt to provide a more precise date, namely, 160,000 years ago.

Contemporary group of hominids that would be the known group called classic Neanderthals . The thesis is that the latter would be anatomically, genetically and morphologically very different. Among other things, as the result of different origins. Neanderthals from Europe and are descended from Homo heidelbergensis , while those that concern us here are descendants of the African species known as Homo rhodesiensis . Often emphasized that the fate of both groups would not have any intersection.

This is, however, the thesis of Erik Trinkaus, who would be feasible for a hypothetical crosslinking would result in a kind of anatomical-morphological regression translated, for example, that the jaw of a sapiens 35,000 years ago had more archaic features than other fossil jaws above. However, this discovery of Erik Trinkaus in Romania not only would contradict genetic studies indicating that the mitochondria of human presence would have no genetic legacy of Neanderthals, but the fact that the rest is a jawbone found weakens thesis: bel English palaeontologist and Eduardo Carbonell said at the time that this discovery that such remains have a high structural variability.

However, the alleged exclusion of the hypothesis that Neanderthals contributed significantly to the shaping of modern humans leads to a reinterpretation of the overview map of the origin of our species.

So what Herto fossils represent the modern definitely Hono sapiens? White's response and his team is qualified, we would be in the presence of the oldest representative of our species, not Sapiens Sapiens, but Homo sapiens idaltu.

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Steppenwolf, Hermann Hesse

I recently read what I wrote actor, director, writer and academic Fernando Fernan Gomez :

" The writer Hermann Hesse, in his novel" Steppenwolf "has several pages as in explains that every human being has within it many possibilities human beings have developed no-no in terms of physical, but in terms of character, in temperament, in the way of behaving, "because they need to develop further the circumstances. In this it resembles the famous "I am myself and my circumstance" of Ortega y Gasset. According to Hesse account in these pages, which to me seem revealing, say, that every man has thirty passibility. Of those thirty chances only in everyday life reflects three, because they are in have been given the circumstances: an employee's office, is married and his wife is cheating on him. That gave rise to three modes of behavior that are already reflected in the physical, how it moves, that voice has, like speech, as he sits, etc. What Hermann Hesse tells us that a man who has been throughout his life a certain way, could have become the opposite even if the circumstance that would have accompanied him on two or three crucial moments of his life, had been another. So he says, for example, a naive boy who has not become anything in life because they all have taken advantage of he could have reached 50 years to be the dictator of a country, if certain circumstances at some point had operated on his character " 1 . As

not remember this thought seems to me very attractive, I rescued from my library the work cited in Hesse, "Steppenwolf " not read from 03.20.1978 (such precision does not depend on me memory, but a written record in respect of the book page.) The advantage we have readers and new veterans is to enjoy those readings that tasted old and perhaps have forgotten.

Hermann Hesse (1877-1962) was a German writer, complex psychology, whose novels and stories enjoyed great fame. In my own library I have several titles: " Demian" (1919), " Siddhartha" (1922), a collection of stories, "Trail a dream" and of course " Steppenwolf ( 1927), his most famous, though perhaps not the best, an honor reserved for his latest novel, " The Glass Bead Game" (1943) by which, in large part, was granted in 1946 Nobel Prize for Literature.

Hesse writes "Lobo Steppenwolf "during the interwar years, called by some" happy twenty ", but that many had little happier. A reluctance by then known as the Great War, a war capitalist and non-nationalist, dirty, deadly and nothing heroic, is accompanied by the appearance of the masses as the main subject groups (remember the title of the book of Ortega " The Revolt of the Masses "). The mass man has no personality, because people who constitute the majority imposes its own. This means the shoved the old bourgeois values, elitism, the preeminence of reason over force the logic of force, security, character individualistic. In Europe, Russia, America, the masses, born of war, are made with the power and lead to the birth and rise of the nationalist parties. Even the arts, once reserved for some avant-garde will become so large that one can speak of his popularity. And the same goes for fashion, transport and communications, helped by the reach of many inventions, including radio, photography or music discs.

Understanding these "circumstances" is necessary to understand the Henry Haller, the Steppenwolf, a character from the novel by Hesse.

Henry Haller is a lonely man, and he does not know the family life or social relations. Unable to hold office, subject to discipline, obedience to others, a refugee living in itself, given to intellectual exercises and meditation sternly ordered, apart from the world around him. Although he despises the bourgeois man has pride not, accept some conventions of bourgeois life: living in a nice pension, fictional home, properly dressed, have money in the bank and helps the poor relations

Inside live or rather there are two "selves": the "man", ie " a world of ideas, feelings, culture, nature and sublimated dominated, while next door is , also within, the "wolf", ie "a shadow world of instincts, of ferocity, cruelty, nature, tough, no sublimated." In his self of man, everything is spiritual, cultural, Sublime, in his ego of Wolf, all that is instinctive, fierce and chaotic. This duplication and internal discord with appeasement period between his two personalities, prevent him from fully loving and being loved ... at least until he meets Hermine.

this contradictory figure "Steppenwolf" allows Hesse explain his famous theory of the 1,000 souls, reminding us of Fernan-Gomez. Every man has, ten, hundreds, a thousand souls. No I is a unit, but a multiform world, a small constellation of stars, a chaos of forms, shades and states. The man, says Hesse, " is an onion a hundred canvases, a tissue composed of many threads ." If, as a body, each man is one, as a soul never.

The meeting with Hermine, became their teacher, shows our "Steppenwolf" new souls, lost opportunities, rights and powers not exercised or developed, appetites, desires, skills, happiness, fun, decomposition of the self in multitude of small souls. As the figures in a game of chess, the pieces of his personality enjoy a new versatility in the game of life

Worship Book, beautifully written, with a residue of sadness and guilt, not to what extent this novel will be appreciated by new generations today readers. Undoubtedly, the duality between Ts antagonistic ("I spend too , old and sad, in my chest I a lion," as in verse by Antonio Machado), the internal struggle, more or less contained, among acceptance of reality and exploring new possibilities, always has been part of a torn man and I think that in our age, we carry within ourselves, some without knowing it, hidden in the chest, a lone wolf howling and hungry that we strive to fight and sometimes howling mob with the peace of our days and the rest of our nights.

© Manuel Martínez Bargueño
March, 2011

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1. Conversations with Fernando Fernan-Gomez. Enrique Brasó. Espasa Calpe SA, 2002, pp. 181-2