Saturday, April 23, 2011

Brent Corrigan And Brent Everent

The magic of the adventurous type

Every Christmas and Easter gift I usually do myself to start the year well oiled intellectually, buy a book from Jose Antonio Marina, so I have in my library many titles theirs.

Once, during a conference, I heard that Jose Antonio Marina, just lacked one thing to be an influential philosopher in the world: being born in the United States. But as it happens, that Marina was born in Toledo, as a server, I fear that his literary personality is not too well known outside our latitudes, which is a shame because their books easily worked with a difficult, are the clearest , entertaining and even, rigorous we can find in Spain, culturally dominated by the scourge of a public and private broadcasters are affront to the intelligence and good taste.

understand, if so, to Marina, with good sense, given this grim outlook, prefer to focus more on the education of new generations, who attend the elementary and secondary classrooms (or they are called now, these levels of education) than to adults seduced by the screaming, howling and other signs of "intelligence" lavish characters and so are people that regularly attend our galaxies media (and which cause serious damage to neurons, if I allow relief).

This approach to young people, parents and teachers is the one with the last book Marine-acquired off-season, failing this time with the annual provision, entitled "The magic of writing ", co-authored with Mary I avail myself of their habitual collaborator. I think a work that, even if, as is pointed out, a clear concern to teaching, it is interesting for all kinds of readers, as most of the works of Marina that can be read profitably by both the specialist and the citizen. Resumo

what I consider essential in the book, interspersed with comments or personal reflection.

passive intelligence and Intelligence are active, co-authors write. Passivity, the fact watch TV at all hours, for example, is not good. Passivity limits our ability to act, we are weak and subject to several easements, moldy our capabilities and convenience often intoxicated. Human intelligence can be a source of occurrence, or may be a sad mockery, as these false sources recycled over and over again the same water in a closed circuit. Passivity is a failure of intelligence that should be active and creative.

Where does occurrences are the result of our creative intelligence?. From the depths of our privacy, where there was speech, expression, co-authors respond. Think it is expressed. "Talk and educate our personality eloquent expression involves education of the whole personality . "Hence the importance of educating the expression and practice.

The most common form and full of practicing oral expression through conversation, inmprescindible for coexistence. Talking is not dialogue to reach an agreement or investigate a case, there is debate to reach the truth, let alone play, something all by himself in the trash TV programs, a true threshold of hell. "Conversation is an exchange feelings, information, thoughts interralación where the staff is more important than the logical thread.
Express well, think well, write well, create, are habits, " the same as playing good tennis ," say the sponsors. It takes a minimum of authority, a determined attitude and sufficient training.

write co-authors of creative intelligence, learn how to use language well is to teach or to use intelligence-can be represented by the following equation Psychological

I witty = red Memory + OS + activity + eagerness + escape from the routine evaluation.

explain this a little. Our self witty is the union of our creative memory and our habits operative. I think, as the sponsors, which is a shame that schools have been deleted in the habit of learning texts by heart. I belong to a generation that was educated in a school where the memory was the main source of learning, then I have no memory left to grow throughout life and I regret that over the years is losing the nearest memory (the distant is that longer stays).

mental operations to express themselves well are varied: link, merge, inserting variables extrapolate, invent models, ask questions. Each of these operations can be automated, become a habit. This requires addition, an effort, an activity. " important thing, as I said Threshold that this effort will not notice ."

creative intelligence still requires another element: the systematic routine flight. When this combination of items flowing spontaneously creative intelligence. But still need something more. Select all occurrences of the good. Build our own system of selection, which is, as the trial of the artists, a slow and mysterious.

Modern life requires a complete mastery of writing. From learning any office until their tax obligations or participate in the civic life of the community, any fact required to complete forms, send requests, translate the written opinion or a report. This we know well who have spent a career in public administration where we have tried to act with "Love and Pedagogy" at the service of citizens, as claimed by the institution and improve the style of the administrative language. Foster

expressiveness of children in primary school is one of their goals. But writing is not easy. Involves, among other things, manual dexterity, concentration, clarity of ideas, will and perseverance, and a time and a place. Fundamental results the work of the teacher " an adult who is with the children to give the best of himself, to develop the well, the habit of creation, and commitment imagimnación ." The authors, based on their teaching experience, are convinced that children and young people like to write, comment upon and many useful suggestions for teaching primary and secondary education (for example, writing workshops in high school).

able to speak, knowing that, knowing how to write, are basic skills, but to cultivate these capacities, writes Adela Cortina, "training is essential that comes from regular and attentive reading of good books, a school is convinced that it is a disservice to students when they are not caring for the language, namely to understand, explain, draft, because more free to communicate what think those who run the fluent speech " 1.

I think it's a shame that these messages" provocateurs "have no more echo. They are simple mosquito bites in a shell of steel. We live in hard times for ethics (immorality) and aesthetics (bad taste). While the politicians, the holders of the media, professionals give away their responsibilities, that is each in its sphere and its own scope, not on almost anything. Given a task that offends morality, intelligence, education and good taste can not be said " that if I do not, somebody else will," or resort to subterfuge that " that's what the audience asks "as I heard him say on TV recently called a journalist, an actress stalker dying. If there's a heartless willing, at least that you're not. "

Writing is also a profession or a way of life. There's a writer's craft, a profession that has over others, significant advantages starting with the not inconsiderable to be every man his own boss and to organize their time please. It is a somewhat traditional trade, as only learn by practicing. Each writer has his reasons for writing and this is reflected in surveys often are made between writers. The truth is that once you start typing, whatever the reasons that everyone has the passion for creating never ends. " The writers do not retire, because your joy is to keep writing until the end of his days ." Could also apply this recipe we, the writers of blogs.

childhood memory, his constant reference operator is part of the real or imaginary world evoked by the writer. Rilke wrote "I ven if you were in a prison, whose walls drown every sound in the world, is not always pra poseeriais childhood, that precious, that real wealth, the treasure of memories ." The world of childhood is a world of feelings, a sensory world, colorful and unique self. " Everything I've written comes straight from my childhood " he writes in his diary Jules Green. I can add that in any other age in childhood and feels most keenly the injustice, real or apparent, suffered by the child, in both senses of mistreatment and abuse of power.

The man writes to a trace of what is inside. True, it may leave a mark in other ways-in the children, a gift, a foundation, as did the Indians, but the writing is the most primitive of preservarlamemoria. "Write ," Threshold-new appointment, is a self-affirmation . "

Only the creative process frees us from the inertia, routine, disillusionment and boredom. I endorse these recommendations of Jose Antonio Marina and María de la avail myself to practice and also invites readers of this blog. Read, understand, write us to stay alive and lucid in a world ever more complicated, where all we are, more or less time, some survivors.

© Manuel Martínez Bargueño
April, 2011

If you have interested in this post and want to ask, comment or contribute something about it, you can leave a comment or write to my email with the assurance that you will be promptly addressed.

Spread among your friends this blog.

Thanks. Manuelblas


1 Adela Cortina. "Knowing that ." The Country April 1, 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bahrain Sport Frequency


Since young I am devoted Baroja reader. From his extensive work of fiction I have read almost everything important, including his memoirs (" Since the last turn of the road ") and twenty-two action novels that make up the time series centered on the character of Aviraneta ("Memoirs a man of action "). Some of his novels I have them in early editions of the publisher of his brother, Rafael Caro Raggio, others in more modern editions and even keep it, as gold cloth, a rarity for its final stage, published in collections of popular novel, when the writer already diminished powers, merely repeating arguments using the technique of "cutting and paste. "

Since young I liked Baroja. Disagreement, their rebellious spirit, his reply to the established order, present in characters so full of good intentions which is unfortunate Andrés Hurtado de " The tree of knowledge , Luis Murguia of" perverted sensuality "or Fernando Ossorio "from" Way of Perfection. " Over time I learned that prolonged reading of these novels Baroja, so pessimistic, it was not good for mental health and their enjoyment was graduating instinctively, reserving it for certain days and times.

But if Baron is a novel I read repeatedly, tirelessly, and without my mind decay, this is without a doubt, "the adventurer Zalacaín ( 1909) 1 , third in his trilogy " Basque Land" after "House of Aizgorri " (1900) and "The firstborn of Labraz " (1903). With " Zalacaín "something very curious. It can be read and enjoy both a fifteen years old to eighty. The young enjoy with the adventures of Martin Zalacaín Urbina, the prototype of action Baroja, the indefatigable hero, rude and childish that makes war on its own, threatening their lives, no matter a jot. The old man already looking at the end of his days notice after the story a disenchanted view of human existence embodied in the protagonist's fate.

attracts me, like everything, the hero, adventurer and lover, but mostly I love the cut of supporting characters who appear in the novel: the anticlerical and Arriscado Tellagorri, Great Uncle Martin " man of ill repute and good heart "who" greeted with more respect for a poodle to the parish priest "and for whom the most social of his theories was" that everyone keep what you have and what you can steal ", Don Sorobarri Fermin, the old town clerk of Urbina, who justified his memory lapses with "Well ... I forgot species ", the loyal Bautista Mr. Urbides ... In contrast the types of women, Catherine " pert, smiling, cheerful and very nice , Rosa, Linda, Ignacia, a counterpoint to the male, I find worse drawn. Also run by the unsympathetic characters novel .

Baroja recall writing this because I just saw on a television, the movie " Zalacaín adventurer" in the 1955 version, directed by Juan de Orduña, written by Manuel Tamayo. He has not had much luck Baroja in the film adaptations of his novels. As I have seen on the Internet has been, throughout the history of English cinema only five films based on arguments Baroja: a change from 1927, entitled "Madrid In Hollywood," an adaptation of the play "The horrific crime Peñaranda Field "and four sound, all shot in black and white.

In the first, "the adventurer Zalacain , 1929, Baroja brothers appeared in two" slips "(today we call" cameos "), Ricardo playing the role of Tellagorri and Pio Carlist Sgt.

The second, and after the civil war (1949) was " The concerns of Shanti Andia " directed by Arturo Ruiz Castillo, a good director. I think I've seen this movie but I do not remember .

leave the commentary of the third, the second version of " Zalacaín adventurer" to the end .

On the fourth " The search" was a worthy adaptation of Angelino Fons, filmed in 1966 that failed despite having the excellent French actor Jacques Perrin ("Girl with a suitcase, "" The escape ) in the lead role.

Zalacaín version directed by Juan de Orduña contains elements of the novel, combining your way. It's a decent movie, well set, a little folk, with esteemed actors in their roles as the handsome Portuguese Virgilio Teixeira (1917-2010), a regular in the films' historical and cultural "at the time as" holy Queen " "Agustina de Aragón " or "Cañas y barro " two beautiful actresses, Margarita Elena Espejo and Andrey, with a certain physical resemblance between them, and even a youthful María Dolores Pradera that ventures into a zorcico. Say which is a Zalacaín but can be decaffeinated.

The film also comes as rapporteur Baroja himself, and so old.

To end this post I want to pick up a paragraph of the novel that sums up the thought Baroja about courage, talent and fortune

" There are men for whom life is an extraordinary facility. They are something like a ball rolling down an inclined plane without mishap, without difficulty.

Is it talent, it is instinct or luck? The people themselves claim to be instinct or talent, his enemies say coincidence, luck, and this is more likely than other men because there are excellently prepared for life, intelligent, energetic, strong and yet do nothing but stop and stumble.

A Basque proverb says "A good scare value of bad luck. And this is true sometimes ... when you have good luck. "

© Manuel Martínez Bargueño

April 2011

If you have interested in this entry and want to ask, comment or contribute something about it can leave a comment or write to my email with security to be quickly addressed.

Spread among your friends this blog.

Thanks. Manuelblas


1. an issue that should be read as illustrations take the prints of Ricardo Baroja.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Waxing On Your Period

NIETZSCHE. Voluntary task. WORLD WAR

answer the questions raised in relation to these two texts by Nietzsche . The deadline for submissions is Friday April 22 2011. If successful you can work up a point in the exam assessment.
  • Text 1 "bow down before the fait accompli: the people are who has overcome them" slaves "," the mob "," flock ", call it whatever you want, if Jews to whom we owe, any people had ever brighter historical mission. Masters were abolished, won the people's morale. If you say it was a poison, a poison was healthy. The redemption of mankind is on track: everything Judaizing, was Christianized and visibly degrade. "[ Nietzsche, The Genealogy of Morals I, Midi 1967, p. 24.] 1. What Nietzsche meant with the statement "the people have won"? 2. Explains the ironic sense of the phrase "the redemption of mankind is on track" .3. What is the difference, according to Nietzsche among the "masters" and "slaves"?
  • Text 2 "But your animals, oh! Zarathustra know very well who you are and have to be. See you're the one who teaches the eternal return-that is now your destiny! (...) We know what you teach: that all things eternally return, and us along with them, and they have existed since time eternal and all things with us. Teach that there is a great year of becoming a monster of great year, hourglass which has to be reversed again and again to elapse and eat again: "So that all those years are identical in the largest and also most insignificant (...). "[ Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Theorem 1985 Volume III, p. 1639.] 4. Who is Zarathustra? 5. What Nietzsche means when he says "there is a great year of Becoming"? 5. State the meaning of an argument for Nietzsche the eternal return.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Ideas For Alice In Wonderland Wording



Europe in 1914

  1. name is fully justified "World War " since fought in all the oceans and involved contestants from all continents. Was the first Great War?
  2. Why had catastrophic consequences? Certainly not only global but also its extension to a combination military technology and culture of peoples in conflict. A good example is the submarine warfare. The same is true of the air war
Karl von Clausewitz wrote in the aftermath of the Napoleonic wars, the war was composed of three aspects: policy government, military activities and passions of the people.

2 European powers in 1914
  • Until the late eighteenth century many of the current powers had remained socially homogeneous. It was basically agrarian societies dominated by a landed gentry and governed by historical monarchies legitimized by the Church.
  • BRITAIN: the richest power in the world but was more vulnerable than ever. The mastery of the seas was what kept the Empire together and fed their subjects. The loss of naval supremacy that was a nightmare.

To meet the German naval challenge, Britain threw away in 1907 a new type of battleship, the Dreadnought , which revolutionized the industry naval war. Because of its speed and its power fire any battleship of the time could be measured to him. However, since its launch powers began to build new ships along the lines of Dreadnought. The new battleships increased size, speed and power and the number of guns. It brought a real "naval race" that made the end of the Great War was an entirely obsolete.

  • France: in 1801 its population was 27 million, the largest in Europe. In 1910 was only 35 million, when in the same time Britain had increased from 11 to 40 million people (the newly unified Germany was 65 million). While it continued to exert their dominance in terms of wealth and culture, domestic politics was very unstable (the country was divided between those who had taken advantage of the revolution and socialism on the rise). In foreign policy or forgot or forgave the annexation of Alsace and Lorraine to Germany in 1871, which, in turn, also resulted in excessive dependence on Russia to counter the growing German power.
  • RUSSIA: big rival Britain (Russian expansion to the south and east was attacking the route to India via the Middle East), although its potential was huge, he was limited by the backwardness of their society and ineffective government. In the early twentieth century tsars ruled a population of around 164 million, composed overwhelmingly of peasants freed from slavery (it was abolished after the Crimean War). Its pillars were: an absolute monarchy supported by an Orthodox church and a huge bureaucracy and lethargic. The educated elites were divided Westernizers and Slavophiles . Until the late nineteenth century attention was directed in its expansion in Asia, but after their defeat against the Japanese in 1904-05 turned to southeast Europe where Orthodox Christian communities in Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria had asked for his support as fellow Christians and Slavs. And something similar happened with the Slavic population, Serbia and Croatia that were part of Austria-Hungary.
  • AUSTRIA-HUNGARY: the Habsburg monarchy was composed entirely of nations submerged. In 1867 he had formed a dual monarchy to ensure the mighty Magyars of semi-independence in the kingdom of Hungary, who shared with only a German Austrian monarch (Francis Joseph ruled since 1848), an army, a Ministry of Finance and Foreign Affairs ministry. The Magyars considered something of a superior race, so oppressive rule over the Slavic minorities (Slovaks, Romanians and Croats). For their part, the Austrians ruled the northern Slavs (Czechs), Northeast (Poles and Ruthenians) and south (Slovenes and Serbs), in addition to land italianoparlantes the southern slopes of the Alps.
  • GERMANY: due to the inefficiency of the Reichstag In these circumstances, the Kaiser's personality was of paramount importance, and the great misfortune to Germany was found in the person of William II (of the House of Hohenzollern) an individual who personified as one of the three qualities that characterized the German ruling elite : archaic militarism (the military was socially dominant), excessive ambition (they were starring in a new industrial revolution that will take them to claim the status of world power, Weltmacht ) and neurotic insecurity.
  • RIVALS PARTNERSHIPS: Since 1871 Germany was seen surrounded by enemies everywhere. Considered, and rightly so, that France was irreconcilable. Therefore try to neutralize encouraging colonial ambitions that would lead to confrontation with Britain, and ensured that found no allies among the other European powers in assembling all of its own system of alliances. Easy thing was to unite the dual monarchy and the Italians (Triple Alliance which supported Italian claims against France). As regards Russia, and Bismarck had been concerned to cultivate their friendship linking it to their "system" through an alliance concluded in 1881 and renewed as reinsurance treaty in 1887. With respect to GRAN BRITAIN, have their two main natural enemies, France and Russia, central power was to their liking. The only thing I feared Bismarck, and rightly so, was a war in the Balkans between Austria and Russia that could destabilize a situation so poorly established. So the Congress of Berlin in 1878 negotiated an agreement that divided the Balkans into two spheres of influence between Russia and the dual monarchy, giving the latter a kind of protectorate on the northern Ottoman province of Bosnia-Herzegovina. This arrangement lasted until the end of the century, then everything began to crumble from the same time that Bismarck's successors were unable to renew the treaty with Russia. So things in 1891 France (abundant source of investment for the sake of modernizing Russia) and Russia signed a treaty, DOUBLE ENTENTE to deal with the Triple Alliance. For its part the British, though relations with Germany had been more cordial than anything else, were uneasy about the transatlantic fleet that Germany was arming. Consequently, their response was the establishment of relations with France in 1904 known as the entente cordial . But there was the Russian Empire who in 1907 (after the painful defeat against Japan in 1905) signed an agreement with Britain on a land border with Persia and Afghanistan, creating the Triple Entente . SYSTEM OF ALLIANCES

However, to understand the path that led to the Great War must we fix on other fundamental changes that will alter decisive way the world was passing XIX century to century, and in a series of CRISIS that preceded the conflict.
; ;

Quiet on the Western Front (1930). THE HORROR OF THE TRENCHES





For those you want to deepen the topic, particularly with regard to the great battles (Ypres remember) as well as the weaponry used in the conflict of interest is the following consultation blog and this page.

Friday, April 1, 2011

How To Word A Wedding Card For A Lesbian Couple

The afterlife myths

A myth is, to not roll enough definitions, a person or thing surrounded by the highest estimate. Myths are as popular as unattainable, we can only approach his pedestal and worship them looking up. If the height where it reaches our eyes find a movie screen, then we will have a movie myth .

En este pasado mes de marzo, duro para las necrológicas, han muerto varios mitos cinematográficos. Jane Russell, la exuberante actriz, junto con Bettty Grable y Ginger Rogers, uno de los iconos sexuales de los soldados norteamericanos en la II Guerra Mundial, falleció a edad avanzada, 89 años. La antaño competidora de Marilyn, el mito for ever, en “ Los caballeros las prefieren rubias ” llevaba, al parecer bastantes años internada en un clínica de rehabilitación debido a sus problemas con el alcohol. Recuerdo con simpatía a esta actriz, de corta pero rotunda filmografía, ya saben por qué, y no olvido los buenos moments that led me as a child, the vision of his film "Paleface ", next to Bob Hope.

will not even within the category of local myths, there are always classes, the Andalusian Amparo Muñoz, as beautiful as unfortunate and the bullfighter in Seville, famous in his day, Pepin Martin Vazquez.

Amparo Muñoz saw in the beginning, when I was a couple of Maximo Valverde, shopping at a grocery store near my home, because we were neighbors. His films never interested me, not a good actress. Television recently put one of his worst films, "the minister Women", where it was little more than looking body.

Martin Vazquez The teacher did not see him fight, I'm not that old, but if I was a spectator of his first steps as a film actor in films like stale " Currito Cross," the story of a torero poor lover of a quiet country houses which he called "Senorita" and another, whose name I forget, which his partner was the actress Danielle Darrieux, a legend of French cinema who is still alive (93 years).

But the indisputable film legend, who died in these days is no doubt, Elizabeth Taylor, actress of incredible violet eyes, five times nominated for an Oscar, impressive in all his films, " a woman to whom self-importance was not prevented from owning something that few actresses have beautiful: a sense of humor " 1. The necrologic (the New York Times had prepared his obituary from 2005) have reminded us of the exciting and passionate life of this splendid little woman to always look like a living legend teenagers of my generation.

see a movie By Liz (the actress hated that nickname) made it more than once "pellets" at school, watching a movie of Taylor, in the darkness of the room, took a first kiss and our dreams juveniles became more pleasant recalling her graceful figure, enlarged on the screen, in movies like "Ivanhoe " or " The last time I saw Paris ."

Personally I must admit that I liked more Elizabeth Taylor as a young actress more. Mentally, I place before and after "Cleopatra "(1963) and it is possible that this different finding was influenced by his stormy private life. I still remember his visit to Spain, recently married to British actor Michael Wilding. A reporter asked fry marriage "who had pleaded who ." "Well, I ," the actress replied, laughing, always so determined.

But the priceless scene, that which I have stuck to my retina, and it still gives me chills to remember, for more time which I have not seen, belongs to one of the film credits that impressed me most " A Place in the Sun , 1951. I would play his staging and dialogue:

She (Elizabeth Taylor) enters the billiard room where he (Montgomery Clift) has found refuge in isolation from others, perhaps displaced from festival that takes place at that time in a luxurious mansion. She slips, radiant in her white dress, barely touching the index finger edge of the table. Never have been. She says.

" These wasting your youth."

" is possible," he replies.

"just Why, asks her" Are you afraid or 're sad?

A fairly moviegoers this scene will no doubt recall a similar one the famous scene of smoking, "the Woody Allen movie" Match Point "(2005) when Crish ( Jonathan Rys Meyers) and Nola (the sexy Scarlett Johansson) meet for the first time.

movie myths have helped many people to live and support life. As long as we keep watching and remembering their films, the cinematic myths not age nor die. Long life, then, to the myths.

© Manuel Martínez Bargueño

April, 2011

If you have interested in this article and want to ask, comment or contribute something about it, you can leave a comments or write to my email with confidence be promptly addressed.

Spread among your friends this blog.

Thanks. Manuelblas


1. Pedro Almodóvar "Maggie eternal." El País, March 24, 2011.