Fashion never ceases to amaze ... almost always bad. But what I am increasingly attracting more attention (people would say fine, I say it pisses me off) is the concept of luxury. That is, in what is turning lately.
A teacher who did not make very good friends said something with which I agree: the concept of real estate is changing, and we should realize. Now the people who actually can afford things, you die from drinking water do not know what the hell mountain, packaged in a bottle design that is worth more than many bottles of wine. They want to go half-ruined houses in who knows what mountains, where there is absolutely nothing, and see the stars at night, completely clear, without a single lamp that bother them. I agree. Considering how life is today, is a real luxury to simply escape and enjoy other things, and not everyone can do that.
same time, the old concept of luxury has degenerated into a series of outdated nonsense and ridiculous.

now is to cover any everyday object of Swarovski crystals is the best. Not only that, it automatically becomes an object of "luxury." I have dandruff and all the celebrities we make one and even going to the notions of small pieces of plastiquete by sticking the below ...
magpie That approach, the brighter, more gold, better than just looking to pretend, is pasadÃsimo. And if not, to be told to Yeni and Yoni.