Hate (tribute to Carlos Goñi)
The kids even shorter than I. People without necks
Those who carry the puppy in your hand or bag Tommy Hilfiger
The Guay-farer's works next door singing
The while working in the works next door
Group work-Brillian brilli jerseys
Those who carry a large bag in his hand
The hills made
stupid and unqualified adoration of every fart that Apple pulled
sunglasses that cover half his face
Kiwis boys with girl hair
Legs anorexic
The turtleneck thong (typical club in the 80)
being agreed to continue to me more ...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Heather Harmon Friend
Caca with Swarovski
Fashion never ceases to amaze ... almost always bad. But what I am increasingly attracting more attention (people would say fine, I say it pisses me off) is the concept of luxury. That is, in what is turning lately.
A teacher who did not make very good friends said something with which I agree: the concept of real estate is changing, and we should realize. Now the people who actually can afford things, you die from drinking water do not know what the hell mountain, packaged in a bottle design that is worth more than many bottles of wine. They want to go half-ruined houses in who knows what mountains, where there is absolutely nothing, and see the stars at night, completely clear, without a single lamp that bother them. I agree. Considering how life is today, is a real luxury to simply escape and enjoy other things, and not everyone can do that.
same time, the old concept of luxury has degenerated into a series of outdated nonsense and ridiculous.

now is to cover any everyday object of Swarovski crystals is the best. Not only that, it automatically becomes an object of "luxury." I have dandruff and all the celebrities we make one and even going to the notions of small pieces of plastiquete by sticking the below ...
magpie That approach, the brighter, more gold, better than just looking to pretend, is pasadísimo. And if not, to be told to Yeni and Yoni.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Eagle Bus For Sale Ohio
What the hell have Wayfarers?

is amazing ... or rather, I would say it is breathtaking. And do not say scrotumtightening like, "awesome, fantastic", I mean it's scary plan. Surely anyone moving between posh or stop by the Gran Via in Madrid (including, I suppose) a minute a day, you will have noticed something strange on the faces of the more "modern" ... glasses ... pint glasses rare, they do as any nerd face they are released, even Mischa Burton in the last Cuore. Glasses since the late eighties we thought dead and buried, not without some relief. FEAS glasses.
Now are the most. And of course, no shortage of those who will say "no no, if I have always liked me." In that sentence is missing then I will tell you: "... but until I have seen in magazines I have not decided to take them."
Apparently, someone has decided it looks for Scoundrels now carry the cool. It is amazing what they do dress up every season to go to the last! Impoverishment ...
Although I know that everything comes back, I recognize that this is not because they saw it coming ... keep that value. Really what we want now is to have the same suit as Tom Cruise after 7 years in Risky Business?

Thursday, May 8, 2008
Can You Paint Microwave
And suddenly ... Connoisseurs
makes me laugh, is one of those bobaditas only by noticing them and you feel a little fool you, but ... why everyone in the fashion environment now uses the tagline "suddenly" for all, whether or not to talk about something sudden? hehehe ... is that I get bored, but it is very curious. The trend also extends to our speech.

Monday, May 5, 2008
How Long Infected With Chlamydia
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Dandruff That Looks Like Lice

In the fashion world ... no, no. No! not in the fashion world, as decided at this time called "underworld of fashion" (because I'm worth it), there are curious beings. Yes, I know it starts as if to make one of those monologues comedy club officials, but no.
would not know how to call them, because terms such as fashion victim, fashion, people "fashion" more Chamero language, or things like that, apart from empty words that are said to say, do not fit exactly with all that encompasses the subject of which I intend to speak.
Anyway, those people who collects the "T clone" of the season not even each "subtemporal, but each week. Those people who have studied the windows of all stores and then see who all your buddies is more because of the latter.
Ultimate. And never better ... these "experts" believe that there is something learned in control loads of changes in H & M collection, to know what the last picture of Dolce & Gabbana advertising in bus shelters, or religiously read the Vogue ... source of wisdom as we all know. These things let you know fashion? ... Seriously?
Studying for this gives you the chance to meet many of them think that a good base to pursue fashion is known from beginning to end for all of those outfits he has worn with Two Victoria Broom Globe Beckham in the last events of the beautiful people. I do not know.
The key is the "ultimate." Indeed, we must be aware of the latter. And why not? there is nothing wrong with that, the information, even about things glamorous, never hurts. But that does not learn a trade. It is a good consumer, at best. And we are here studying to learn how to produce fashion, for which you have to look fashion, multiple redundancies and borrow from the point of view of producers, not consumers. I got tired of hearing the first few days to cute girls and arranged like brushes, they wanted to study fashion because they loved shopping, reading fashion magazines ... Piiii! Error.
In short, scholars do not understand that with all his "baggage" are preparing to consume a lot of knowledge of the facts, but not to produce anything. Hey, at least one of these not tims with a fake Prada bag to me ... yeah ... sure if you want one.
Watch Free Movies Español
Illustration of curiosities ...

This is one of nearly 50 illustrations I did for my final year project in Fine Arts, in line with this theme estilazo Asia. I also do another pseudojaponesa with pink streaks and tutu emo roll idol Audrey Kitching, who at the time the truth that caught my attention ... but I think I'll skip, because now I deny it, since I knew the roll a little more emo ... yuck.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Wm. Rogers & Son Silverware
Another interesting booklet ... A reference

In Japanese theme, I have another very very cool book, which deals in general the Japanese look, but either format street fashion . The great thing about this book is to analyze different styles, depending on neighborhoods, urban tribes, etc, and are all very curious, is welcome, very different from what we see here ...
Some people almost killed me not speak before this book, hehe. And the truth is worth a look, have many photos and lots of information. Essential for a Tokyo-fan!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
What To Write In A Funny Wedding Card

you heard of the magazine "street fashion"? it is simply planted in a street and go shooting, usually entire body, all that happens in an original dress, attractive ... or simply too trendy. It is a way of making available to all who might consider a task / cazatendencias exclusive privilege of the profession.
I really do not know where it started because today there are street fashion everywhere, and in some cities are the trends that then spread everywhere.
But surely, the place where this phenomenon is given more play ... in Japan! Each and every one of the images that we find there are amazing, very different, geeks, lovely ... wonderful! Yes, I notice that I'm a fan of the East, have a unique style in every way, and you might just lack of custom or novelty, do not look so aesthetically corrupted by stupid things like this. Again, you might think that just because to me it makes me different from what used to seeing ...
Anyway, worth really worth flicking through a book / magazine on Japanese street fashion, no waste!
In case anyone is interested, the book that I have called Fresh Fruits, and is a funky collection of many photos of the magazine Fruits. In fact, this book is a sequel, there is another called Fruits to dry.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Logik Portable Ipod Docking
ass-folder fashion

He says Galliano in the space of Muchachada Nui Celebrities ... those are the most hateful skinny, but they do the ass folder.
is curious that an article so ridiculous (that even I, in a ridiculous rush of "I'm thinner than before so I will fit anything," I have come to take some time) has been rightly chosen basis of one of the more uniform picture vomit "cool" see one morning in FDI ... see a buck of 18-23 years with its bright colored shirt (I love bright colors, to be sure, just can not stand anything that takes only because it leads the world ) and the waist skinny jeans low enough to teach piggy bank / Flequi to the minimum, and piernillas slightly arched, and so so Trunas finiiiitas that even in a body so skinny you fear for your blood circulation. Along with that we all have similar hairstyle adopted by popular agreement, the sides very short and the top is very extensive, and recessed to form granny ... the whole lot like a lollipop.
qu say in the windows back the hood, legs wide ... but it makes me angry, and do not know why. Then I think "was not what you wanted, losing sight of these shorts so unsightly?" And I answered "yes, but on its own initiative ... not by decree!"
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Ghosts Of Eastern Shore
Stages Stages

A good teacher explained that a style (an idea, or we could also say directly, a fashion) has three phases:
The archaic is on the rise of the idea.
The classic is the functional and conceptual development of this: is perfected, is tweaked ... referred to issues such as practicality, usefulness, etc.
The Baroque is what occurs after that point that the idea and does not anymore. At this stage what is done to add flourishes s, details, revisits the same thing over and over again with slight variations. This is the stage of decay, exhaustion of that idea. It is no longer new, nor is anything to develop, but what fashion I call directly the ability to become more and more ridiculous.
All fashions come and go through three phases before being declared dead, and increasingly rapidly. Dizzy. But the worst thing is that every time this last phase "Baroque" becomes more and more ridiculous extremes.
could cite a thousand examples, like the printing of stars, in Milan (I had the misfortune to be there right at the height of bloody estampadito, for once in three years that I leave the country ) and made all sort of look like a clown, with all the pieces of their outfits full of stars from T-shirt, bag, jacket, to the cap. Yes yes, all together, and lined with wallpaper.
There are many things to break in the current fashion.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Cost Of Family Vacation
Saturday, April 12, 2008
French Farmhouse Table

Yes, I said what I said as a statement of principles, hehe. But not explain why it let go of that stuff. It is because to understand the things that I focus, you should know that most likely will not pursue anything other than the aesthetic, in my tastes as I do things. Did not they say that ignorance is bliss? this is a way to apply that saying ...
Friday, April 11, 2008
Unblock Farmville News Feed Posts
Pure aesthetics

days without knowing exactly how to start with this. I can think of a thousand crap to write, and I just discarded. No I have no opinion now theory or interesting enough for anyone wants to read it.
the end, I reached a conclusion: in both fine arts and now in fashion, for me it comes down to aesthetics. Sad? well yeah ... but do not think that concerns me. I do not know, I do not think it takes much more. Both in certain fields of design and art, much of the talk, explanations, the "meaning" are devices, and could be removed leaving an equally good result.
Aesthetics! aesthetics, friends ... lack of ideas? aesthetics will always be there.
I know only so much of the stupidity I am saying, but it's not the end of the day another way of seeing?
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