A good teacher explained that a style (an idea, or we could also say directly, a fashion) has three phases:
The archaic is on the rise of the idea.
The classic is the functional and conceptual development of this: is perfected, is tweaked ... referred to issues such as practicality, usefulness, etc.
The Baroque is what occurs after that point that the idea and does not anymore. At this stage what is done to add flourishes s, details, revisits the same thing over and over again with slight variations. This is the stage of decay, exhaustion of that idea. It is no longer new, nor is anything to develop, but what fashion I call directly the ability to become more and more ridiculous.
All fashions come and go through three phases before being declared dead, and increasingly rapidly. Dizzy. But the worst thing is that every time this last phase "Baroque" becomes more and more ridiculous extremes.
could cite a thousand examples, like the printing of stars, in Milan (I had the misfortune to be there right at the height of bloody estampadito, for once in three years that I leave the country ) and made all sort of look like a clown, with all the pieces of their outfits full of stars from T-shirt, bag, jacket, to the cap. Yes yes, all together, and lined with wallpaper.
There are many things to break in the current fashion.
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