I read in the newspaper "El País " of September 19 Juan Cruz a text entitled " Aldecoa " the first paragraph begins like this:
"As he spoke Aldecoa Ignacio, one of the best English writers of the twentieth century, Mario Camus, who was his friend and also the lucky director of the film version of his novel " Birds of Baden Baden " he recalled yesterday a French saying: "We have to talk a lot about all things, a little about yourself and nothing else." If you were to meet this that there would television in this country. "
At first I was struck by the lack of specificity of this aphorism (reflection, maximum or above), referred to as " a French saying," no known author attributions, which shows, by the issuer (or editor), some forget the exact source. I thought intuitively recognize in this wise decision, which I myself have sometimes used in colloquial language, the paternity of our Baltasar Gracian and I rushed to check.
I have reviewed this purpose, the works of Jesuit Aragonese I have to reach in my library, including "The Discreet ", in editing the Library of English Authors 1, and subsequent "Oracle Manual Art and Prudence I have on the issue cited in the New Library of Authors Aragoneses (critical edition of Romera-Navarro) 2 and modern, with the title somewhat bastardized, (" The art of prudence. manual Oracle) Today's editions 3.
None of these issues I found (or have not managed to find) the exact phrase, as the article's transcribed, although lengthy discourses on the individual.
Thus, in "The Discreet ", "enhancement" V " Man news plausible, the author (masquerading as Lorenzo Gracian) discovers the discreet men: "They are found men who appreciate all said and seasoned observers around gallant fact, all current news of cuts, and campaigns . These are the oracles of curiosity and science teachers in this tasteful. " In another "enhancement" (XIX) "Female notante judicious and" commends such a man: " The wise man and notante (They are found few and therefore more unique) then becomes master of any subject and object .. . All we discover, note, notes, comes to and comprehend, defining each thing by its essence . "
more laconic, in the "Oracle" computable between the best and most influential works of English and European thought " 4 and specifically in aphorism 117" Never talk about whether "thanks presents a proposal close to what we, the latter could be a trivialization. Transcribe the aphorism:
" Never talk about itself. Or have to praise, which is headed, or has to decry, it's smallness, and being guilty of sanity in which he says is worth the they hear. If this be avoided in familiarity, much more lofty positions, where they speak together, and passes through stupidity and any semblance of it. The same problem of sanity is talking about the present, because of the danger of hitting one of two pitfalls: to flatter or reproach. " Gracian
influences most of the French moralists of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, as Madame de Sable, La Rochefoucauld, La Bruyere and others. It is possible that the writings of some of them are, in French, the phrase, as has been transcribed into Castilian. I've reviewed, at a brisk pace, the "Reflections or moral judgments and Highest "Duke of La Rochefoucauld and have found no equal, although several in the same line preventing the excesses in the conversation.
The rotation between centuries, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche are the most grateful readers Gracian. Schopenhauer, heir to the pessimism of Aragon, is a lot like aphorism "Never talk about yourself "
"We must not abandon to commend ourselves, we have much right to it. Because it is so common as rare vanity and merit, that every time we seem to praise us, even if only indirectly, all bet a hundred to one that expressed by our mouth was vanity, which is not sufficient reason to make him understand how ridiculous the praise itself. "
and ending the twentieth century, Gratian's work takes on a new vitality, edited in 1992 and the United States, "The Art of wordly Wisdom. A pocket oracle "(" The art of universal wisdom. A Pocket Oracle) 5 , translated by Christopher Maurer, which sold 200,000 copies, staying for 18 weeks (two in the first place) List nonfiction best sellers in the Washington Post. Ranked by the writer and collector Gail Goldwin phrases as "a Machiavellian but unscrupulous" lineup that undoubtedly would have astonished the same grace, "as conservative evangelical writer like the most " his "manual Oracle "as an American, became intellectual grass those executives and yuppies who worshiped the" business excellence "at the end of the nineties, before the arrival of the financial crisis.
In 2001, during the fourth centenary of the birth took place in Spain and other countries, conferences, seminars and other events on the work and thoughts of Grace for academic comfort of the flock (the people, the "mass of common people" he would say grace, always has been to cool these things, stupid as it is in our time on television .) Today, those past anniversaries of the fourth centenary, the waters have returned to their usual channel and Gracian remains, as before, an author so often quoted (" good thing if brief, twice good ") and little read .
With this digression, I think I have strayed somewhat from the question of paternity of that phrase, I understood that, unless the contrary as a vulgarization of the aphorism graciano 6. To see if please some specialist "graciniano" (I think so named) or a knowledgeable person, including those Mario Camus and Juan Cruz can make me doubt. Is rewarded with another aphorism, naturally Gracian " There is nothing that man cultivated more than knowledge."
© Manuel Martínez Bargueño
September, 2010
"As he spoke Aldecoa Ignacio, one of the best English writers of the twentieth century, Mario Camus, who was his friend and also the lucky director of the film version of his novel " Birds of Baden Baden " he recalled yesterday a French saying: "We have to talk a lot about all things, a little about yourself and nothing else." If you were to meet this that there would television in this country. "
At first I was struck by the lack of specificity of this aphorism (reflection, maximum or above), referred to as " a French saying," no known author attributions, which shows, by the issuer (or editor), some forget the exact source. I thought intuitively recognize in this wise decision, which I myself have sometimes used in colloquial language, the paternity of our Baltasar Gracian and I rushed to check.
I have reviewed this purpose, the works of Jesuit Aragonese I have to reach in my library, including "The Discreet ", in editing the Library of English Authors 1, and subsequent "Oracle Manual Art and Prudence I have on the issue cited in the New Library of Authors Aragoneses (critical edition of Romera-Navarro) 2 and modern, with the title somewhat bastardized, (" The art of prudence. manual Oracle) Today's editions 3.
None of these issues I found (or have not managed to find) the exact phrase, as the article's transcribed, although lengthy discourses on the individual.
Thus, in "The Discreet ", "enhancement" V " Man news plausible, the author (masquerading as Lorenzo Gracian) discovers the discreet men: "They are found men who appreciate all said and seasoned observers around gallant fact, all current news of cuts, and campaigns . These are the oracles of curiosity and science teachers in this tasteful. " In another "enhancement" (XIX) "Female notante judicious and" commends such a man: " The wise man and notante (They are found few and therefore more unique) then becomes master of any subject and object .. . All we discover, note, notes, comes to and comprehend, defining each thing by its essence . "

" Never talk about itself. Or have to praise, which is headed, or has to decry, it's smallness, and being guilty of sanity in which he says is worth the they hear. If this be avoided in familiarity, much more lofty positions, where they speak together, and passes through stupidity and any semblance of it. The same problem of sanity is talking about the present, because of the danger of hitting one of two pitfalls: to flatter or reproach. " Gracian
influences most of the French moralists of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, as Madame de Sable, La Rochefoucauld, La Bruyere and others. It is possible that the writings of some of them are, in French, the phrase, as has been transcribed into Castilian. I've reviewed, at a brisk pace, the "Reflections or moral judgments and Highest "Duke of La Rochefoucauld and have found no equal, although several in the same line preventing the excesses in the conversation.
The rotation between centuries, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche are the most grateful readers Gracian. Schopenhauer, heir to the pessimism of Aragon, is a lot like aphorism "Never talk about yourself "
"We must not abandon to commend ourselves, we have much right to it. Because it is so common as rare vanity and merit, that every time we seem to praise us, even if only indirectly, all bet a hundred to one that expressed by our mouth was vanity, which is not sufficient reason to make him understand how ridiculous the praise itself. "

In 2001, during the fourth centenary of the birth took place in Spain and other countries, conferences, seminars and other events on the work and thoughts of Grace for academic comfort of the flock (the people, the "mass of common people" he would say grace, always has been to cool these things, stupid as it is in our time on television .) Today, those past anniversaries of the fourth centenary, the waters have returned to their usual channel and Gracian remains, as before, an author so often quoted (" good thing if brief, twice good ") and little read .
With this digression, I think I have strayed somewhat from the question of paternity of that phrase, I understood that, unless the contrary as a vulgarization of the aphorism graciano 6. To see if please some specialist "graciniano" (I think so named) or a knowledgeable person, including those Mario Camus and Juan Cruz can make me doubt. Is rewarded with another aphorism, naturally Gracian " There is nothing that man cultivated more than knowledge."
© Manuel Martínez Bargueño
September, 2010
If you have interested in this post and want to ask, comment or contribute something about it, you can leave a comment or write to my address email e manuelblas222@gmail.com with confidence be promptly addressed.
1. Library of English Authors. Volume ducentesimovigesimonoveno. "Baltasar Gracian , Complete Works." Editing and preliminary study and Ceferino Batllori Miguel Peralta. Ediciones Atlas, Madrid, 1969.
2. Baltasar Gracian. " Oracle Manual Art and Prudence. "Edition and critical study of Benito Pelegrin. Aragoneses Studies Library. Guara editorial. Zaragoza, 1983
3. Baltasar Gracian," The Art of Prudence. Oracle manual. "Igancio Editing José Díez Fernández. Ediciones Temas de Hoy. Madrid, 1993.
4. Ceferino Peralta, op. Cit, see note 1.
5 ." The Art of wordly Wisdom. A pocket oracle ", translated by Christopher Maurer, New York, Currency and Doubleday, 1992.
6. Naturally I searched this phrase in Google and all I've found has been the attribution of it to General Perón.
1. Library of English Authors. Volume ducentesimovigesimonoveno. "Baltasar Gracian , Complete Works." Editing and preliminary study and Ceferino Batllori Miguel Peralta. Ediciones Atlas, Madrid, 1969.
2. Baltasar Gracian. " Oracle Manual Art and Prudence. "Edition and critical study of Benito Pelegrin. Aragoneses Studies Library. Guara editorial. Zaragoza, 1983
3. Baltasar Gracian," The Art of Prudence. Oracle manual. "Igancio Editing José Díez Fernández. Ediciones Temas de Hoy. Madrid, 1993.
4. Ceferino Peralta, op. Cit, see note 1.
5 ." The Art of wordly Wisdom. A pocket oracle ", translated by Christopher Maurer, New York, Currency and Doubleday, 1992.
6. Naturally I searched this phrase in Google and all I've found has been the attribution of it to General Perón.