" You are hanging on my words. I know well and know that I am unable to remain silent. Sometimes the same as lying to remain silent, because silence can be interpreted as acquiescence. He had said he would not talk, because I know, but I have been pulled from the language and I have to. There has been talk here of international war in defense of a Christian civilization, and I myself have done it before. But, ours is just an uncivil war. I was born rocked by civil war and what say. Overcoming is not convinced and need to be convinced of all, and can not convince the hatred that leaves no room for compassion, hatred of intelligence, which is critical and differentiating, but not of inquisition inquisitive.
want to comment the speech, to call in some way, Professor Maldonado. I will leave aside the personal offense that involves the sudden explosion against the Basques and Catalans, calling the Anti-Spain, as well, with the same reason they can say as much. And here is the bishop who, like it or not like, is Catalan, born in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bto teach Christian doctrine not want to know, and I, who as you know was born in Bilbao, Basque and I am all my life teaching you the English language, you do not know. Now that's empire, the English language, and no ...
Thus " before an audience hostile " Don Miguel de Unamuno began his brief speech, interrupted by force in the academic ceremony commemorating the discovery of America on October 12, 1936 in the auditorium of the University of Salamanca. "... mouth is warmed, he untied her tongue, and said he thought no matter the consequences or the circumstances ...". The circumstances are known and told by the biographers of Unamuno (Emilio Salcedo 1, Colette and Jean Claude Rabat 2 , consequences, recreated by Luciano G. Egido in the book that leads to this comment "in Salamanca dying," were the expulsion or immediate dismissal of Don Miguel in all positions (city council and, above all, rector of the University) and confinement at home Bordadores the street, equivalent to an internal exile, constantly guarded by police, with little external contacts, tragic in solitude confinement senile retired, possibly hasten his death on December 31, 1936.

This book admirable and essential, "according to critic of El Pais, the author gets into the skin, creative thinking and feelings of the Basque-Salamanca rebuilding support in their past and contemporary texts (private letters , notes, speaking to reporters ...) the last months of life, in intimate solitude, lost " between the Huns and hotra."
The initial applause to the military uprising he believed led to the defense of Western Christian civilization, a "simple cleaning operation for the security of the Republic" , as he had assured his friend Francisco de Cossio, as derived-front was incompatible with human freedom of worship, spiritual concerns and lover of tradition, gave way, as time passed and heard first hand witness direct the executions without trial of many friends and colleagues to disgust, the revulsion, contempt for both sides (the "Huns and hotra ") engaged in an uncivil war whose only explanation was a kind of "madness collective "had seized the English.
Before the meritorious and hard-working intellectual ramblings Luciano G. Egido, accompanied by frequent "flash backs" literary, I prefer to listen to the anguished voice of Unamuno speaking of himself and the state of their city, Salamanca, once the capital of the Renaissance and now a military barracks:
.. . 'with what I suffer to see this moral suicide of Spain, this collective madness, this epidemic freopática, with its sad base, in large part, of some bodily illness and I'll just imagine. Between one and another, or rather, the Huns and hotra-are bloody, bleeding, blasting, poisoning and headlong to Spain. Yes, yes, they are horrible things that WILL have hordes delas calls red, but what about the reaction to them?. Especially in Andalusia ... What in the rear?. It's a stupid rule of terror. Here are shot without forming process and without justification. To some they say that is a Mason, no longer is this do not know the beasts that shoot for it. And nothing is worse than the marriage of the barracks mentality of the sacristy. And then the spiritual leprosy of Spain, resentment, envy, hatred of intelligence ... Between Marxists and fascists, between the Huns and hotra will leave Spain invalid spirit 3 .
Luciano G. Egido referenced several times throughout the book, about "war notes" that Don Miguel has been writing and that "exceeded much prudence and loyalty of its public statements " . The reader would have appreciated more information on these notes and the transcript of one of its possible contents 4 . This absence of references, subjectivism implicit in recreating the mood of Don Miguel and rhetorical excesses (the " apezuñamiento " from the crowds, the comparison of "I" Unamuno with " erect penis ") and lyrical (" old man must have felt loneliness like a blanket useless), I'm not entirely convinced by this book, despite the correctness of his staging, and the undoubted quality whole literary narrative.
dying means "struggle" ( The Agony of Christianity). Agonizes who lives fighting against life itself. " Such is the agony of Don Miguel de Unamuno, man fight, struggle with himself, with his people and against its people, hostile man, a man of civil war, tribune without supporters, solitary man, an exile, wild speaker in the desert, provocative, vain, deceitful, paradoxical, irreconcilable, irreconcilable enemy of nothing and who comes and eats nothing, torn between life and death, death and resurrection at once invincible and always up ". When Jean Cassou this writer is in 1924, but twelve years later, in 1939, his agony was already higher, tripled by the agony of their ideas and the final throes of its existence .
I stay, finally, with the vision that gave Max Aub on Unamuno q
eu prefer other visions of the operator : "Tall, handsome as owl-if it can be," hair that he soon turned gray and white, hairy. Black clothing, the immaculate clerical collar, walked with long strides, his hands clasped behind his back, but a friend of talk that talk, inward looking, eager to read the first one you faced his last see you, always overflowing. No other love than the Church is holy, distrustful of women as they were not in their role as mothers, constantly burning indignation. Charity seems to have been under his loves, was known selfish, perhaps envious, to get rid of these evils portrayed them as few. Spain loved as much as the poetry, confused them. It was possibly the most important writer of his time, and there were many more fruitful brother both wrote. Spanned more than anyone, the most personal. So involved in his work, so preoccupied with survival that was full "slices to be immortal, like Quevedo said."

© Manuel Martínez Bargueño
September, 2010.
If you have interested in this post and want to ask, comment or contribute something about it can leave a comment or write to my email address Manuelblas222@gmail.com with confidence be promptly addressed.
Thanks. Manuelblas.
1 Emilio Salcedo. "Don Miguel Life." Editorial Anaya. Salamanca, 1964.
2 Colette and Jean Claude Rabat. " Miguel de Unamuno. Biography "Taurus, 2009.
3 Letter to the sculptor Quentin de la Torre, who was in Espinosa de los Monteros (Burgos), dated December 1, 1936, barely a month before he died. I wonder how this letter could happen, if passed, Franco's censors.
4 Subsequent to the writing, I read that these notes have been published by Alliance in 1991, fifty-five years after having been written under the title of "tragic Resentment life "(Unzueta Pantxo" The letter burned hands Unamuno. "El País, 12.10.2006)
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