The days gone by (where have they gone?
Of him that was what I was?
(Miguel de Unamuno, quoted by Azorín. Madrid. Illustrations García Ochoa. Editorial Biblioteca Nueva, 1997, p. 32. ).
The day has now shaped pan.
(Vicente Aleixandre. Surface fatigue. Passion of the earth. Ediciones Orbis SA 45, 1984. p.62.)
See Night
See This
Dietrich, Marlene
See Byron
Dignity We must not attribute dignity to the species, but to every human. The dignity and rights that flow from it can not be attributed to higher levels to the person, people, group, race, nation, because then the particular individual is without warranty, since it can be killed on the altar of any social idol.
(José Antonio Marina and María de la avail myself. The struggle for dignity. Theory of political happiness, pag. 322)
See See Liberty
Money Money is the great solvent of all virtues.
(Pio Baroja. The late love. Collection Austral. Espasa Calpe SA Fourth Edition. 09.03.1963, pg. 15)
God ... our conceptions of the workman-creator, whatever their religion they come, are the mediocre inventions, stupidest, most cowardly brain outputs unacceptable creatures. Nothing is more certain that this phrase of Voltaire: "God made man in His own image, but the man has returned to growth."
(Guy de Maupassant. The Horla and other fairy tales. The Horla, 1886. Translated by Esther Benítez. Alianza editorial. The paperback book 731, pg. 118)
God exists or not. It should affirm or deny it, but no hesitation.
That's what you think.
(Antonio Machado. Juan de Mairena. Library World, No. 76, pg. 21)
An existing God would be something terrible. What God forbid it!
(Antonio Machado. Juan de Mairena. Biblioteca El Mundo, No. 76, page 21).
Love God above all things my teacher said Martin Abel is more difficult than it seems. Because it seems to require: first to believe in God, second to believe in things, third, to love all things, fourth, to love God above all. In short, the perfect holiness, the saints themselves unavailable.
(Antonio Machado. Juan de Mairena. Library World no. 76, pg. 23)
God is us and everything around us.
(Vicente Blasco Ibáñez.'s Cathedral. Ediciones Prometeo, page 242)
mythology the god belief is valuable for many unfortunate but the advantage to invent, for want of something better, offering another life, which manage access that stand in interpretation and administration of the divine. anxious hope. So is this, with variations, in all cultures, which does not prove, as they say, the existence of God,
(José Luis Sampedro. The lesbian lover. Areté Collection. Plaza-Janes 2000, p. 47. )
A god is therefore essentially a being who satisfies the desires of men. But the desires of men, that man, at least not limited to their own desires to natural necessity, is more than any other the desire not to die, to live forever, this desire is the latest and greatest desire of man the desire of all desires, like life is the epitome of all goods, for a god that does not satisfy this desire, not to exceed the death or at least offset by another life with a new life, not a God, at least not a true god, which corresponds to the concept of God.
(Ludwig Feuerbach. Thoughts of death and immortality, cited by Fernando Savater in eternal life. Ariel 2007, pp. 68-69)
affirm the divine dimension of reality ... Getting a divine dimension intellectually that it includes, and therefore it overflows, the man has created the noun "God" ... Religions want to take a vital content, sensitive, imaginative, conceptual, practical divinity. Ontology, as I understand, can only affirm the existence of divinity. Religions try to define its essence.
(José Antonio Marina. Opinion about God. Anagrama Publishing 2001, pg. 155)
Arts See Artist
See Fe
See Jesuitism, Jesuit
See See See Women
leader will always be dangerous perch in leadership positions to men of talent medium by many to be his good will, because in spite of it, let us say with apologies to Kant, the moral of these men is also middle.
In the evening, they betray the cause he always wanted to serve, stir angrily against it. Men's own head is medium the charge against everything that did not fit on the head. We all should, dear friends, that our leaders are always the smartest and wisest.
(Antonio Machado. Juan de Mairena. Library World 76, pg. 271)
Discretion Discretion is the finest aspect of talent
(Count of Romanones. Notes of life. Marcial Pons. History, 1999, pag. 16)
discuss, debate, dispute
must not engage in arguing with stubborn people: always irritates the contradiction instead of showing .. The dispute has never convinced anyone can guide people into thinking for themselves, seeming to doubt them, leading them and the hand, without realizing it.
(Voltaire. Letter to the Marquis d'Argence, March 14, 1764).
What I dislike? The east wind, which drags the sand and throws it in the eyes, coffee with warm milk served in a chipped cup, the word is not fulfilled, the excessive delay, an unjustified delay, bad faith, stupidity or blatant solemn , betrayal in all its forms, in friendship as in love, polyester, nylon attached to a sweaty skin, the sound of a drill, meanness, suspicion, certainty of triumph, gratuitous cruelty, envy, formica wood, insomnia stubborn indifference to poetry, hate music, coffee substitutes, Christmas parties, mixing sweat with cheap perfume, hairy women, with tits as a mitten, (yes, I know it is not their fault), extreme feminism, sexism in all its variants, the grim look, the leaden sky, bad faith again and always, legal notices, a hand shake soft y húmeda, los tejemanejes y un número de cosas de la vida íntima que prefiero callar, reservarme para mis lamentos solitarios.
(Tahar Ben Jelloun. Los náufragos del amor, Alfaguara, 2000, pág. 7)
Véase Hombre
Véase Capacidades
Véase Rico
Véase Vestido
Cuantos divorcios e incluso cosas peores que el divorcio each step is Veriano if satellites
madness, dulación, a joke, kindness, deceit and dissimulation,
not come as usual, to preserve and strengthen the domestic life of man and woman
(Erasmo. Praise of Folly, p. 127) Discrimination
Women See
Don Juan
Marble polished my hands with both I desire to behold tomorrow
Sevillians absorbed and seeing this giant vault
generations have ours in worship. More back and forth
sink one after another
while yours will
memory of me. Oh
fruit of my labors
rock that I encouraged and those who braved the weather
of heaven that gave you form and being
will now lose sight of my glory
artist will live for more than me.
And meditates soberly
it tonight, Don Juan,
give us the space to search
(José Zorrilla. Don Juan Tenorio)
God, spare me physical pain and moral pain that I deal with me.
Oscar Wilde
The moral punishments outweigh the physical pain, with full height between the soul and body.
(Honoré de Balzac. Small miseries of married life)
Nothing is as painful as reviewed and doubting when it enjoys.
(Sthendal, cited by Claudio Magris in the Danube. Anagrama, fifth edition, June 2004, p. 16.)
See Male
See Death
See Suffering, suffering
See Art
Don Quijote de la Mancha
Scarce had the ruddy Apollo spread across the face of the broad spacious earth the golden threads of his bright hair, scarce had the little birds of painted their languages \u200b\u200bArpad were greeted with a sweet and mellifluous harmony the coming of the rosy dawn, the doors and windows of manchego horizon showed mortals when the famous knight Don Quixote de la Mancha, quitting the lazy down, mounted his celebrated steed Rocinante and began to traverse the ancient and famous Campo de Montiel.
For myself I can say that after I am a knight errant, I am brave, moderate, liberal, well-bred, generous, courteous, bold, gentle, patient, suffering from work, prisons, and enchantments.
(Miguel de Cervantes. Don Quijote de la Mancha. First party. Chapter L)
Sleep, sleep
See Death
See World
Drugs, drug addict
is said that the drug kills. Yes you can, but unless the movement, that smoke cars, that unemployment, which floods, disasters or accidents of airplanes or trains, that earthquakes are not expected, but predictable. And, of course, unless the war. It is said that drug addicts, I do not know if I am, are antisocial. Me, too. Because it is clear that society makes us antisocial and not the drug. The company, which has no other ways to survive the exploitation and rivalries. The company, which is concerned about drug crime to produce and it does affect you. And some states parents as careful about subjects that if they found a drug to make them compliant, productive and good consumers, it endilgarían at close range and spray and pray. I hate the drug war supported by drug traffickers: the most concerned by the prohibition on price. I hate not to go against the causes of drug addiction but their impact. I hate that governments do not focus on his own: the safety of citizens, all the uprooting of the operation, simple exposition of the dangers of any drug, without alarming or imposing, the provision of home detoxification and hospital ... That is their business. And because of that, liberalize birth to something as human as the drug which, if properly managed, is a splendid aid and a multiplier and enriqueciente.
(Antonio Gala. Now talk to me. Editorial Planeta. Barcelona, \u200b\u200b200, p. 265-266)
Duda You
you swing it my doubts about showing me her legs.
(Vicente Aleixandre. Surface fatigue. Pasion de la tierra. Ediciones Orbis SA 45, 1984. P.62).
Of all the things the safest safe is doubt.
Bertolt Brecht
amazes me people who have certainty, never doubt. They are made of concrete. Must be wary of the concrete. A minor crack in the wall could make the whole house collapses.
(Tahar Ben Jelloun. The castaways of love. Alfaguara, 2000, pg. 139)
who doubt itself is lost like that who, afraid of not being able to make love, not successful.
(Claudio Magris. The Danube. Anagrama, fifth edition, p. June 2004. 53).
Manuel Martinez Bargueño
January 2011
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