In 2010, the centenary of the birth of the poet has known editions and reprints of the works of Miguel Hernandez and critical works that addition to a bibliography and nurtured " 1. These past would now noticing the new biography written by Professor Emeritus at the University of Aix-en-Provence, Eutimio Martin " Office of Poet Miguel Hernández " 2 that adds to the previous Agustín Sánchez Vidal " Miguel Hernández, gagged and returned " 3 and José Luis Ferris " Miguel Hernández. Passions, jail and death of a poet " 4 , reissued last year.
seems that after the last two mentioned, little need be said of the brief life (1910-1942) the poet Orihuela, "the most brilliant after Federico," according to the opinion of Jorge Guillén. So I took in undertaking ("attack" in the sense of the " decided to begin an action or execute ) reading the work of Martin Eutimio the end encouraged to do so by the excellent reviews that this biography has received: " For the collection of new data it contains and by the skill with which the author has cast in his study of Hernandez life and poetry, this is an excellent contribution to the centennial " 5 .
Eutimio Martin has chosen to write, "says the same," a biography French factual gaps where they can complain, but that does not evade the essence of a biography to reveal the spring that determines and encourages life and literary career protagonist "(p.659). To relate life and work, knowing the human circumstance in which this occurs, it is the intention of the biographer and the truth is, with some specific differences, get it fully.
Strike down the author of this book against some topics embodied in the life of Hernandez as the poet-shepherd, "with a sense very modern advertising Miguel Hernández was made the propaganda image of the poet-shepherd, lying with overwhelming audacity of their material in order to win the support or help from whoever was within reach "(p.52). Data with more deductions, consider "wealthy " the situation of the Hernandez family and the "beating " Miguel enough " cazurrería peasant" and "flair for comedy " to take full advantage, beginning with the literary, this slogan as a poet-pastor or pastor-poet .
Austere, modest, rather than miserable, according to general appreciation of the biographers, he must be the situation of the family home with seven children born. Children without toys (" The deserted sandals), maybe more by the stinginess of his father, a terrible man, who by the absolute lack of material resources.
" is difficult," writes Martin Eutimio found in the history of English literature, an author faced most adverse circumstances. Always walked a lap with economic satisfaction, but more distressing was the actual misery. Their romantic relationships were a disaster and his wife even fully satisfied him as a mother " (p.660).
In line with desecration of myth, I think that Michael Hernandez was, like many other English of his time, a man with very bad star, who also helped its character from a recognized ideological integrity, uncompromising moral, which is admirable, yet bold and disrespectful. " is a good poet, but a cool " said Serrano said several writers Falangists who visited the "cuñadísimo" to support the commutation of the death penalty. And if the story told by his wife Josephine were true: " one of those days [September 1939] entered [Miguel] in a shop together with Carlos Orihuela Fenoll and Molina, and discovering a large picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in which stood a large red heart The poet asked the shopkeeper: to give this guy as tomatoes? "(Ferris, p.433). This is not daring, less candid, is gross negligence.
Eutimio In Martin's book is, successes aside, a significant discrepancy, which is essential in light of earlier biographies of the poet. Both Sánchez Vidal, and José Luis Ferris believe that the canon Luis Almarcha, old guard and "friend" of Michael, with important ecclesiastical and political charges since the early days of Franco, could do more to save the life of the prisoner seriously ill in prison (Reformatory adult) Alicante, facilitating their entry, the only possibility of salvation in the sanatorium of Porta Coeli in Valencia and he refused. His only concern was to save the soul of the poet "misguided." "What the canon sought, relying on Hernández's physical weakness was not anything other than the aforementioned repentance, its adherence to the new political order, the signing of religious poems that were offered [...] and its immediate marriage to Josephine "(Ferris, 476).
contrast, Eutimio Almarcha Luis Martin considers "responsible but not guilty " 6 . His concern for Michael was "strictly professional as church official." " In her performance," writes Martin stated professional honesty clearly exemplary or paradigmatic "(p.650). According to the author, Luis Almarcha," official copy of the Catholic Church "was required to give priority to salvation of the soul " and not decided to procure the necessary medical care until she married the poet canon." Thus, he concludes, " not imposed at all Almarcha Luis process. Before standing trial, had to sit on the dock to the Catholic Church (P. 656). When Miguel Abad looked replicates 7 " I can not do anything," says his total honesty, total dedication of his ministry "(p.657).
How hard is now reading this, but is terribly true that there (I know from hearing more cases) who, in defiance of being human and attentive only to their "sacred ministry" were more jealous of the "salvation of souls to alleviate the" deserved suffering "of their peers. In line with the author's thought, that those who are not aware of the harm they cause by their acts or justified understand they are not guilty, who were part of Franco's military tribunals but scrupulously did their duty, officials prisons were "blind eye" on the deplorable state of the prisoners, it was more practical and economical way that they died of "natural" shot, would observe exemplary conduct consistent with its role and, if you ask me, even the French leader, savior of Spain, met supernally with its "historical mission", extending the war three years so they can better annihilate their enemies.
I think the conduct of Canon Almarcha and as many "canons" that was imbued with the same faith, refusing his assistance to a semimoribundo, has no possible justification or the Bible or not, and must be condemned by anyone with minimal human sensitivity. Other people, however they did everything possible and more to help the poet in his misfortune. To cite just two friends who did not failed, despite the personal risk they assumed to do so and Eutimio citing Martin in his book: Vicente Aleixandre, who had sent him fifty pesetas monthly vouchers redeemable for prison (p.622) and Jose Maria de Cossio, the pattern of the Encyclopedia "Los Toros" Espasa Calpe, " man Machadian good in the sense of the term " (p. 607) who, moving springs and influences, the poet got rid of a firing squad and struggled all he could for his release .
Is this a blur to blur, sorry to say, a good biography, very elaborate, which provides unprecedented angles and fresh perspectives to the symbiosis of life and work of this great poet who every day dragged behind a larger number of enthusiastic readers of his verse and we do not love fire, closing comments, no transcription of one of his most famous poems, belonging to "The whistle violated "1934.

Eutimio Martin has chosen to write, "says the same," a biography French factual gaps where they can complain, but that does not evade the essence of a biography to reveal the spring that determines and encourages life and literary career protagonist "(p.659). To relate life and work, knowing the human circumstance in which this occurs, it is the intention of the biographer and the truth is, with some specific differences, get it fully.

Austere, modest, rather than miserable, according to general appreciation of the biographers, he must be the situation of the family home with seven children born. Children without toys (" The deserted sandals), maybe more by the stinginess of his father, a terrible man, who by the absolute lack of material resources.
" is difficult," writes Martin Eutimio found in the history of English literature, an author faced most adverse circumstances. Always walked a lap with economic satisfaction, but more distressing was the actual misery. Their romantic relationships were a disaster and his wife even fully satisfied him as a mother " (p.660).
In line with desecration of myth, I think that Michael Hernandez was, like many other English of his time, a man with very bad star, who also helped its character from a recognized ideological integrity, uncompromising moral, which is admirable, yet bold and disrespectful. " is a good poet, but a cool " said Serrano said several writers Falangists who visited the "cuñadísimo" to support the commutation of the death penalty. And if the story told by his wife Josephine were true: " one of those days [September 1939] entered [Miguel] in a shop together with Carlos Orihuela Fenoll and Molina, and discovering a large picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in which stood a large red heart The poet asked the shopkeeper: to give this guy as tomatoes? "(Ferris, p.433). This is not daring, less candid, is gross negligence.

contrast, Eutimio Almarcha Luis Martin considers "responsible but not guilty " 6 . His concern for Michael was "strictly professional as church official." " In her performance," writes Martin stated professional honesty clearly exemplary or paradigmatic "(p.650). According to the author, Luis Almarcha," official copy of the Catholic Church "was required to give priority to salvation of the soul " and not decided to procure the necessary medical care until she married the poet canon." Thus, he concludes, " not imposed at all Almarcha Luis process. Before standing trial, had to sit on the dock to the Catholic Church (P. 656). When Miguel Abad looked replicates 7 " I can not do anything," says his total honesty, total dedication of his ministry "(p.657).
How hard is now reading this, but is terribly true that there (I know from hearing more cases) who, in defiance of being human and attentive only to their "sacred ministry" were more jealous of the "salvation of souls to alleviate the" deserved suffering "of their peers. In line with the author's thought, that those who are not aware of the harm they cause by their acts or justified understand they are not guilty, who were part of Franco's military tribunals but scrupulously did their duty, officials prisons were "blind eye" on the deplorable state of the prisoners, it was more practical and economical way that they died of "natural" shot, would observe exemplary conduct consistent with its role and, if you ask me, even the French leader, savior of Spain, met supernally with its "historical mission", extending the war three years so they can better annihilate their enemies.
I think the conduct of Canon Almarcha and as many "canons" that was imbued with the same faith, refusing his assistance to a semimoribundo, has no possible justification or the Bible or not, and must be condemned by anyone with minimal human sensitivity. Other people, however they did everything possible and more to help the poet in his misfortune. To cite just two friends who did not failed, despite the personal risk they assumed to do so and Eutimio citing Martin in his book: Vicente Aleixandre, who had sent him fifty pesetas monthly vouchers redeemable for prison (p.622) and Jose Maria de Cossio, the pattern of the Encyclopedia "Los Toros" Espasa Calpe, " man Machadian good in the sense of the term " (p. 607) who, moving springs and influences, the poet got rid of a firing squad and struggled all he could for his release .
Is this a blur to blur, sorry to say, a good biography, very elaborate, which provides unprecedented angles and fresh perspectives to the symbiosis of life and work of this great poet who every day dragged behind a larger number of enthusiastic readers of his verse and we do not love fire, closing comments, no transcription of one of his most famous poems, belonging to "The whistle violated "1934.

smears because the penalty when it bursts,
where I find myself not
man is not harder than anyone.
Pena with grief and sorrow breakfast
penalty is worth my peace and my dog \u200b\u200bfight
not even let me shut up
always faithful to its owner, but unwelcome.
Thistles, punishment, I oppose his crown
thistles, pains me stoke their
leopards and not leave me any good bone.
may not be with me
penalty sentences and surrounded by thistles ... How
grieve to die one!
© Manuel Martínez Bargueño
January, 2011
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Thanks. Manuelblas.
1. Angel L. Prieto de Paula. "Siege of books " . Country Babelia 24/12/1910.
2. Eutimio Martin. " Office of poet Miguel Hernandez ." Aguilar, 2010.
3 . Agustín Sánchez Vidal Miguel Hernández, gagged and returned . " Editorial Planeta. Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1992.
4. José Luis Ferris. "Passions , jail and death of a poet ." Temas de Hoy. Biographies. 2002.
5. Ricardo Senabre " The office of poet Miguel Hernandez ." The Cultural World 29.10.2010.
6. Strange phrase that deserves comment. Liability for acts or omissions volunteers found not guilty, if you act with premeditation. If you hit someone with my car because I have an unexpected mechanical failure in my vehicle, and killed the person, am responsible for his death, but not guilty.
7. Artist alcoyano which facilitated the visit to Dr. Antonio Barbero sick Butcher, Director of Tuberculosis Dispensary of Alicante.
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