Monday, May 9, 2011

Sores On Lower Stomach

The interwar period

Democracy, Socialism and Totalitarianism (1918-1945)

1. The interwar economics, society and culture
A. post-war conditions and economic developments
B. demographic conditions, mass society and social crisis
C. Culture and Thought

2. The Russian Revolution and the formation of the USSR
3. Peace Treaties and international postwar readjustment
A. The Paris Conference (1919)
B. Treaties and international adjustment
C. The League

4. European democracies: crisis reconstruction and
A. Great Britain: the difficulties of the interwar
B. Reconstruction boom and bust of the Third French Republic
C. German Weimar Republic (1918-1933)

5. United States and the crisis of 1929. Roosevelt and the New Deal (1933-1939). To make this part see the following link .
6. The European totalitarianism, fascism and Nazism. An interesting gallery of characters from this era in the following econtraréis link too.
7. interwar international relations: collective security turns to the war

The world wars, the settlement represents the values \u200b\u200binherited from the nineteenth century and the beginning of a new era and a new reality. This is an extremely turbulent time full of revolutions and crises that will mean the decline of a world and the dawn of another century in which we were born. The previous time we made a double population and economic growth but on the other the Great War is the daughter of that growth (the first war "industrial" inevitable consequence of worldwide industrialization and imperialist objectives arising from the same .) With respect to politics, witnessing the decline and fall of our continent as a center power, a shift to the second World War will only aggravate. But while the policy this time also characterized by the crisis of democracy and the emergence and development of European fascism, by the new order imposed by Japan in Asia result of its expansion and dominance in the area, by the consecration of EE . U.S. as a new world power and, above all, by the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the subsequent formation of the USSR, which represents the first company organized under the Marxist model, the initial triumph of the proletariat and the establishment of socialism as a system social and state. And to end this review also the colonial world will be stirred, stirring which will become seeds of your awakening and rebellion against the reigning European colonialism.
Economically they live, also the consequences of World War I affect the capitalist economy: the new situation will force a reorganization and reordering to be the prelude to the 1929 crisis and Thus depression. In the social order takes shape and mass society requires, just as in art or literature will see the emergence of new movements such as Cubism and Surrealism.

Then I leave a video that sums up the essence, which meant that regularly update for Europe and the world.

About daily life in the Weimar Republic see the next video.

Below we reproduce a series of texts that work in the classroom:

"If what we propose is that, at least a generation Germany can not even buy a median prosperity, if we believe that all our recent allies are angels pure and all our recent enemies, Germans, Austrians, Hungarians and others are children of the devil, if we want, year after year, Germany is impoverished and starving children and sick, and is surrounded by enemies, then reject all offers generous, particularly those that can help Germany to recover some of their old material prosperity. (...).
If so estimate the nations and relations with each other was adopted by the democracies of Western Europe, then, that Heaven save us all If we aim deliberately to impoverishment Central Europe, vengeance, do not hesitate to predict, not delay. "

JM Keynes. The economic consequences of peace.

"In 1925, a somewhat superficial all started back in order: the global production regained its level before the war (...). New hopes and technical solutions emerged. The industrial and financial world is then animated by a thirst to produce and win that was cut by the most serious economic shocks in history. The upheaval began in 1929 worsened in 1931 and their signals were felt long after 1933. "

Pierre Leon. Economic and social history of the world. War and crisis (1914-1947).

"The upper class, however, owner of power and wealth, did not realize the danger threatening the fragile balance of their position. The rich had fun dancing the Charleston and new rhythms of jazz, fox-trot and some cumbias of blacks were a wonderful indecency. Renewed travel by boat to Europe, which had been suspended during the four years of war and became fashionable Nortameamérica others. Novelty golf came, bringing together the best company to hit a ball with a stick, as did two hundred years before the Indians in those places. The ladies put fake pearl necklaces and knee-deep pot hats to the eyebrows, had his hair cut like men and painted as prostitutes, had removed the leg brace and smoked up. The Knights went dazzled by the invention of U.S. cars, which arrived in the country in the morning and sold the same day in the afternoon, despite costing a small fortune and were nothing more than a roar of smoke and running loose nuts at breakneck speed for a few roads that were made for horses and other beasts natural, but in any fancy machines. In the table games were played inheritance and easy riches of the war, uncovering the champagne, and was the novelty of cocaine to the most sophisticated and vicious. "

Isabel Allende. The House of Spirits. Ed Plaza and Janes. Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1992.

"For those of us who live the years of the Great Depression, yet incomprehensible that the free market orthodoxy, so obviously discredited then, has been presiding over again a general period of depression in the late eighties and early nineties, which has proved equally incapable of providing solutions. This strange phenomenon should serve to remind a great historical fact that illustrates this: the incredible lack of memory of the theoretical and practical aspects of the economy. It is also a clear illustration the need that society has of historians, who are "reminder" professionals what their citizens wish to forget. "

E. Hobsbawm. Twentieth century history.

"Soon, a business much more attractive than the theater attracted my attention and my country. It was a little matter called the stock market (...). If you bought eighty thousand dollars of stock, had only pay in cash twenty thousand, the remainder is left to the staff duty (...). The market kept rising and rising (...). The surprise of the market in 1929 was that no one sold a single share. People bought incessantly (...). The plumber, the butcher, the ice man, all yearning to be rich cast their paltry wages, and in many cases the savings of a lifetime "on Wall Street (...). One day the market began to falter. Some more nervous customers panicked and started selling (...); sales initially were orderly, but soon the panic began to set aside the good sense and everyone started to throw the ring values \u200b\u200b(.. .) and the agents began to sell shares at any price (...). Then one day, Wall Street gave up and collapsed. That on the towel is an appropriate phrase, because by then the whole country was crying. "Groucho

Marx. Groucho and me, 1981.

Of all these texts you will have to do the commentary following the SCHEME that you described below.


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