
Indeed, one of the findings of the novel, in my view, is the mixture in the fiction of imaginary characters and real people as the "Almighty" Serrano Suner, Colonel Beigbeder and Rosalind Powell Spy Fox, who really existed and even wrote a memoir .
I was interested especially the figure of General Staff Colonel Juan Beigbeder Atienza, and I've searched references in his memoirs "makeup" of Serrano: " was a strange and unique, with a superior culture to the current, capable of a thousand follies Germanophile exalted in the early months of World War II, an Anglophile and then seduced by Sir Samuel Hoare and the staff person. Franco most devoted of whom directly writing letters calling him "My Leader" and would later be one of the few soldiers who actively conspired against him - "proven fact" - as stated in the sentences, honest man who died almost in poverty to the extent that two of his friends, who gave him a small job in a company had to pay for his funeral. Next, the Bis II "following orders, entered his room grabbing the trunk where he kept documents, letters and memoirs ." 1 She writes, however, that the roles of Beigbeder " were forgotten in the pension Tomasa "and that some months after his death were collected by " an old acquaintance of Tetuan in exchange for taking over the bill of a few thousand pesetas to the left outstanding."

In another of his book of memories " between Hendaye and Gibraltar " 2 , Serrano is credited with the initiative Beigbeder appointment as Minister of Foreign Affairs "In general Jordanian Foreign succeeded Colonel Beigbeder Minister was leaving for the office of High Commissioner of Spain in Morocco and territorial chief of the Falange in the area of \u200b\u200bour Protectorate; was also the first member of the National Council of the Falange. It was my initiative to propose. Throughout the civil war had distinguished himself by his phalanx to the point that the Falange in Africa, thanks to their protection was one of the strongest in Spain. I had met him during a trip to Ceuta and Tetuan mine on the first anniversary of the Uprising, for my views and opinion of many Falange was the belief that there had been management and successful business. I remember that Franco did not accept the principle proposal enthusiastically. "
remember seeing once in my life "cuñadísimo" to outside a hospital. So neat was an old man, smiling, smartly dressed with difficulty walking leaning on a cane. What a contrast with that powerful politician, the man who, by his own admission, " was nine times against Hitler " 3 and the only contributor was fully empowered to Franco!. Ignacio Merino, author of a book on the character, met in Marbella, on the verge of 100 years (he died almost 102) and portrays him as a charming man, still a good conversationalist, keeping intact alertness 4. María Dueñas well defines the "loneliness of Serrano" in the exercise of power when he writes "The military hated and the street was extremely unfriendly to the point that the people poured into the guilt of all the ills of Spain, since the prices of movies and shows to the drought that hit the field in those years "venturing that a cause of his fall, reported by Franco coolly, was the birth of the fourth daughter of the" beautiful and insolent Llanzol Marquise "view of Serrano.
Just as political figures are well reflected does not seem to be so with the creatures of fiction. The main character, the dressmaker Sira Quiroga finally I find inconsistent and hard to believe its evolution from naive girl, the one deceiving anyone, the proud and sophisticated spy capable of the most daring stunts. Of course there are worst spy story set in World War which also had success, like the one entitled " Shining" ("Shining trouhg ) 1992, with Michael Douglas and Melanie Griffith doing" spy by mandate. " Fiction allows these excesses and if the novel resembled the real world there would be such.
description of environments, especially in the Madrid of the Republic, is superficial. With a few lines the author clears the agonizing situation of the Popular Front of Madrid: " All around the political environment was breathing fire and strikes, labor disputes and street violence formed the usual scenario. In February, the coalition won the elections of leftist Popular Front, the Falange, in reaction, became more aggressive. Guns and fists replaced the word in political debates, tensions came to be extremely . "
The lace dates, a fact that the author makes date and to be deducted from the historical events that serve background to history, not just applicable. So one night Sira, forgiveness Aris, received in his home-fashion salon the unexpected visit of Colonel Beigbeder tells who visibly shaken " I have stopped. Tomorrow will public. " The next day afternoon, but come very much story, our heroine gets in a movie theater, the Palace of Music where they project the movie "Rebecca by Alfred Hitchcock. Yet as the cessation of Beigbeder as Minister of Foreign Affairs is produced on 16 October 1940 and the movie "Rebecca " not released in Spain until December 10, 1942, when he was not even Serrano minister, by the way which premiered at the Callao cinema and not in the Palace of Music.
course these are all forgivable pejiguerías in literary fiction, well told otherwise, addictive, with tension, sometimes overwhelming, it is not intended as an accurate reflection of reality and English international, but rather this is the scene along which historical and fictional characters, more or less credible, which are novel to the plot density.
I heard that the successful novel by Maria Duenas will be brought to the small screen, in the near future. If so, and it seems that the production is well advanced counting on a good director and good actors, I foresee an even greater success than that obtained in bookstores. They are fashionable series of contemporary historical setting and are sure to find each other easily accommodate this "stitch in turbulent times," the first novel by a promising great writer.
© Manuel Martínez Bargueño
March, 2011
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1. Ramón Serrano Suner . " Between Silence and propaganda. History as it was. Memories." Mirror of Spain 35. Editorial Planeta. Barcelona 1977, pg. 266.
2. Ramón Serrano Suner. " Between Spain and Gibraltar." Ediciones Nauta SA 1973 pág.210.
3. El País, August 27, 1992.
4. El Mundo, September 9, 2001.
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