In June 2003, the scientific journal Nature gave an endorsement that seemed definitive argument that the current drawn from the Northeast Human Africa. And this source would go back a maximum of 200,000 years. There, therefore, have a kind of hominid could consider as our most recent common ancestor. The study's authors attempt to provide a more precise date, namely, 160,000 years ago.
Contemporary group of hominids that would be the known group called classic Neanderthals . The thesis is that the latter would be anatomically, genetically and morphologically very different. Among other things, as the result of different origins. Neanderthals from Europe and are descended from Homo heidelbergensis , while those that concern us here are descendants of the African species known as Homo rhodesiensis . Often emphasized that the fate of both groups would not have any intersection.
This is, however, the thesis of Erik Trinkaus, who would be feasible for a hypothetical crosslinking would result in a kind of anatomical-morphological regression translated, for example, that the jaw of a sapiens 35,000 years ago had more archaic features than other fossil jaws above. However, this discovery of Erik Trinkaus in Romania not only would contradict genetic studies indicating that the mitochondria of human presence would have no genetic legacy of Neanderthals, but the fact that the rest is a jawbone found weakens thesis: bel English palaeontologist and Eduardo Carbonell said at the time that this discovery that such remains have a high structural variability.
However, the alleged exclusion of the hypothesis that Neanderthals contributed significantly to the shaping of modern humans leads to a reinterpretation of the overview map of the origin of our species.
So what Herto fossils represent the modern definitely Hono sapiens? White's response and his team is qualified, we would be in the presence of the oldest representative of our species, not Sapiens Sapiens, but Homo sapiens idaltu.
Here I present a series of links that you will be extremely interesting, I hope ...
- A Homo sapiens 160,000 years
- The news in the newspaper El Pais
- The press release La Voz de la Escuela
- Interesting article on the origin of the symbolic mind
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